Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF3028 .T54 Business ideologies in the reform-progressive era, 1880-1914 / 2
HF3028 .U64 Report of the Select Committee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, with appendix. : Forty-third Congress, first session. 1
HF3029 .B38 The dynamics of business-government relations : industry & exports, 1893-1921 / 2
HF3029 .S3 Principles of foreign trade / 1
HF3030 .G83 1918 Combination in export trade : permitted by the Webb law, approved April 10, 1918. 1
HF3031 Balanced trade : ending the unbearable costs of America's trade deficits /
Raising U.S. exports : federal promotion efforts and considerations /
Failure to adjust : how Americans got left behind in the global economy /
HF3031 .A5 1945a American small business in foreign trade / 1
HF3031 .A5 1946 Small business and the Webb-Pomerene act. : Report of the Foreign Trade Subcommittee of the Special Committee to Study Problems of American Small Business, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session, pursuant to S. Res. 28 (extending S. Res. 298-76th Congress) a resolution to appoint a Special Committee to Study and Survey Problems of American Small Business Enterprises. August 21, 1946. 1
HF3031 .A5 1960a Foreign commerce study : U.S. trade position. Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, second session. April 25 and 26, 1960. 1
HF3031 .A526 1965 A background study on East-West trade. 1
HF3031 .A5616 Ways to increase U.S. exports under the trade opportunities program : report to the Congress [on the] Department of Commerce [and the] Department of State by the Comptroller General of the United States. 1
HF3031 .A58 The pattern of United States import trade since 1923 : some new index series and their application / 1
HF3031 .A65 1961 AFL-CIO looks at foreign trade : --a policy for the sixties. 1
HF3031 .A678 The challenge of export expansion. : [Papers] 1
HF3031 .A83 1987 Competitiveness : the United States in world trade / 1
HF3031 .B3 Progress in the control of strategic exports to the Soviet bloc : report [submitted to] the [House of Representatives] Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1
HF3031 .B42 2000  
HF3031 .B42 2001 Beauty and business : commerce, gender, and culture in modern America / 1
HF3031 .B42 2001eb Beauty and business : commerce, gender, and culture in modern America / 1
HF3031 .B54 1992 Beyond the twin deficits : a trade strategy for the 1990s / 1