Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF3497 .E87 1981 Europe, an exporter's handbook / 2
HF3498 Going the distance : Eurasian trade and the rise of the business corporation, 1400-1700 / 1
HF3498.A35 T73 2010 Trade relations between the EU and Africa : development, challenges and options beyond the Cotonou Agreement / 1
HF3498.A35 T73 2010eb Trade relations between the EU and Africa : development, challenges and options beyond the Cotonou Agreement / 1
HF3498.A5 .V5 Future trade possibilities between Europe and the Americas. 1
HF3498.A78 Silk and tea in the north : Scandinavian trade and the market for Asian goods in eighteenth-century Europe / 2
HF3498.A8 European commercial expansion in early modern Asia / 1
HF3498.A8 E94 1997 European commercial expansion in early modern Asia / 1
HF3498.A85 E96 2000 The European Union and ASEAN : trade and investment issues / 1
HF3498.C27 D437 2017 The European Union and the Commonwealth Caribbean / 1
HF3498.C37 E85 2002 The European Union and the Commonwealth Caribbean / 1
HF3498.D44 Power in North-South trade negotiations : making the European Union's economic partnership agreements / 2
HF3498.E852 E97 1997eb Europe's economy looks East : implications for Germany and the European Union / 1
HF3498.U6 D46 1999 A new transatlantic partnership : report by the trans-european policy studies association / 1
HF3499.Z5P65 The Political economy of EEC relations with African, Caribbean, and pacific states contributions to the understanding of the Lomé convention on north-south relations / 1
HF3499.5 .A36 External trade. 1
HF3499.5 .A513 1995 10 questions on the European Union and world trade. 1
HF3499.5 C65 External trade. 1
HF3499.5.Z7 D448 1995 Trade relations between the European Union and the developing countries / 1
HF3500.5 .A3 Statistics in focus. 1