Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF3500.5.Z7 H68 1996 How is the European Union running the single market? : what are my rights as a consumer? 1
HF3500.5.Z7 U64 1995 International trade and regional economies : the impacts of European integration on the United States / 1
HF3500.7 .G56 2020eb Globalized peripheries : Central Europe and the Atlantic world, 1680-1860 / 1
HF3500.7.W364 2014eb International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS) Volume 5, Issue 2 / 1
HF3500.7.Z5 C43 2013 Challenges for the trade in central and southeast Europe / 1
HF3500.7.Z5 C46 1995 The Central and Eastern European markets : guideline for new business ventures / 1
HF3500.7.Z5 M87 1990eb The nature of socialist economies : lessons from Eastern European foreign trade / 1
HF3500.7.Z5 W56 2002 Transition economies and foreign trade / 1
HF3500.7.Z5W56 2002  
HF3500.7.Z5 W56 2002eb Transition economies and foreign trade /
Transition economies and foreign trade
HF3500.7.Z6 D3 1991 Doing business with Eastern Europe : a handbook for the 1990s / 1
HF3501 .A235 United Kingdom balance of payments
United Kingdom balance of payments.
HF3501 .A25 British and foreign trade and industry : memoranda, statistical tables, and charts, prepared in the Board of Trade, with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions. 1
HF3501 .B8 The British trade book, covering the years 1880/1904-1880. 1
HF3501 .G74 Reports from Her Majesty's consuls on the manufactures, commerce, &c., of their consular districts. 1
HF3501 .S35 English overseas trade statistics, 1697-1808 / 1
HF3501 .T78 The state of the commerce of Great Britain with reference to colonial and other produce for the year .... 1
HF3501.5 .P58 2005 The Commercial and political atlas and Statistical breviary / 1
HF3503 .C35 Canadian trade index. 1
HF3504 The corn laws. 1