Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF3838.E8 S77 1998eb  
HF3838.E8 T73 1998 Trade and investment in China : the European experience / 1
HF3838.E8 T73 1998eb Trade and investment in China : the European experience /
Trade and investment in China the European experience /
HF3838.I35 C45 2013eb China-India cooperation prospects : papers presented at the 1st Academic Summit on China-India Cooperation in 2011 / 1
HF3838.I35 T36 2008 Rise of the Asian giants : the dragon-elephant tango / 1
HF3838.J3 Trade relations between Qing China and Tokugawa Japan : 1685-1859 / 1
HF3838.J3 L5 2023 Networks of faith and profit : monks, merchants, and exchanges between China and Japan, 839-1403 CE / 1
HF3838.L29 V57 2007eb The visible hand of China in Latin America 1
HF3838.M35 H46 2009 Sino-Malay trade and diplomacy from the tenth through the fourteenth century / 1
HF3838.M35 H46 2009eb Sino-Malay trade and diplomacy from the tenth through the fourteenth century / 1
HF3838.M35 N393 2015 Perdagangan Dunia Melayu-China Hingga Kurun Ke-16 Masihi Satu Tinjauan Sejarah dan Arkeologi. 1
HF3838.M63 S2613 Manchu Chinese colonial rule in Northern Mongolia / 1
HF3838.P16 S43 1995 Lords of the Rim : the invisible empire of the overseas Chinese / 2
HF3838.P6 H63 2006 Overseas Chinese and trade between the Philippines and China : the intertwining of family, social, and business interests in promoting trade / 1
HF3838.S5 S5 1992 Zhongguo da lu yu Xinjiapo jian jing ji guan xi zhi yan jiu / 1
HF3838.S64 P75 1998 China's seaborne trade with South and Southeast Asia, 1200-1750 / 1
HF3838.S64 P75 1999 China's seaborne trade with South and Southeast Asia, 1200-1750 / 1
HF3838.T45 V57 Tribute and profit : Sino-Siamese trade, 1652-1853 / 2
HF3838.U5 D4 1986 The China business handbook / 1
HF3838.U6 China's trade with the United States and the world / 1