Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HF4572 .G67 1988 | The scarlet woman of Wall Street : Jay Gould, Jim Fisk, Cornelius Vanderbilt, the Erie Railway wars, and the birth of Wall Street / | 2 |
HF4815 .I55 no.19 | Trends in NLRB decisions, 1955-56. | 1 |
HF4999.2 |
Social and environmental dimensions of organizations and supply chains : tradeoffs and synergies / Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities - Economics, Business and Management Track (ICOBEST-EBM 2024) |
2 |
HF4999.2-6182 |
Gender Diversity in the Boardroom : Volume 2: Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas. Accelerating Green Innovation Essays on Alternative Investments in Clean Technologies. The Strategic Role of Software Customization : Managing Customization-Enabled Software Product Development. Strategy and Success Factors of Business Schools. Proceedings of the fourth international forum on decision sciences. Family Businesses in the Arab World Governance, Strategy, and Financing. Optimization and Control for Systems in the Big-Data Era : Theory and Applications. Brand fans : lessons from the world's greatest sporting brands / Communications in EU Antitrust Law. The timeless principles of successful business strategy : corporate sustainability as the new driving / Strategic Marketing and Innovation for Indian MSMEs. The Social Capital of Entrepreneurial Newcomers: Bridging, Status-power and Cognition. Fans and fan cultures : tourism, consumerism and social media / Targeting Using Augmented Data in Database Marketing Decision Factors for Evaluating External Sources. Evolving business models : how CEO's transform traditional companies / Systems Prospects the Next Ten Years of Systems Research / Neuroscience in information systems research : applying knowledge of brain functionality without neuroscience tools / Boundaryless hospital : rethink and redefine health care management. Improving Healthcare Operations the Application of Lean, Agile and Leagility in Care Pathway Design. Luxury selling : Lessons from the world of luxury in selling high quality goods and services to high value clients/ Operations Research Proceedings 2014 Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), RWTH Aachen University, Germany, September 2-5, 2014. The Theory of International Business : Economic Models and Methods. Unknown Values and Stakeholders : the Pro-Business Outcome and the Role of Competition. Sustainable Luxury Brands Evidence from Research and Implications for Managers. Japanese Human Resource Management : Labour-Management Relations and Supply Chain Challenges in Asia. Operations Research Proceedings 2015 : Selected Papers of the International Conference of the German, Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies (GOR, Ă–GOR, SVOR/ASRO), University of Vienna, Austria, September 1-4, 2015. Managing Corporate Responsibility in the Real World : Lessons from the frontline of CSR. Transitions and boundaries in the coordination and reform of health services : building knowledge, strategy and leadership / Turkish multinationals : market entry and post-acquisition strategy / Stakeholder integration in service innovation / Responsible product innovation : putting safety first / Structural dynamics and resilience in supply chain risk management / Designing, selecting, implementing and using APS systems / Conflict in family businesses : conflict, models, and practices / Agile Information Business : Exploring Managerial Implications. Leadership and small business : the power of stories / Strategic management accounting : a practical guidebook with case studies / Non-market strategies in international business : how MNEs capture value through their political, social and environmental strategies / Digital technology and organizational change reshaping technology, people, and organizations towards a global society / International Marketing Strategy : the Country of Origin Effect on Decision-Making in Practice / Escalation of commitment in internationalization processes : the role of bounded rationality in the Uppsala Model / The Art of Agile Product Ownership : a Guide for Product Managers, Business Analysts, and Entrepreneurs. Crisis and turnaround in German medium-sized enterprises : an integrated empirical study / Network Embeddedness : Examining the Effect on Business Performance and Internationalization. Office Automation a User-Driven Method / Mergers and acquisitions : integration and transformation management as the gateway to success / Performance Management for Agile Organizations Overthrowing The Eight Management Myths That Hold Businesses Back. Adoption of Environmental Innovations : the Dynamics of Innovation as Interplay between Business Competence, Environmental Orientation and Network Involvement / Business rule-oriented conceptual modeling / Japanese management in the low growth era : between external shocks and internal evolution / Disruptive analytics : charting your strategy for next-generation business analytics / Data Envelopment Analysis : a Handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications. Food Security and Sustainability : Investment and Financing along Agro-Food Chains. Riding the leadership rollercoaster : an observer's guide / The JOBS Act : Crowdfunding Guide to Small Businesses and Startups. Brand Fans: Lessons from the World's Greatest Sporting Brands. The International Corporate 1000 a Directory of Who Runs The World's 1000 Leading Corporations 1987 Edition / Website quality and shopping behavior quantitative and qualitative evidence / The network trap why women struggle to make it into the boardroom / Modern metaphors of Christian leadership exploring Christian leadership in a contemporary organizational context / Performance evaluation foundations and challenges / Philanthropy, innovation and entrepreneurship an introduction / Innovation exposed case studies of strategy, organization and culture in heterarchies / Proceedings of the Third International Forum on Decision Sciences Barriers to Entry Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Breakthroughs in a Chinese Workplace / Performance appraisal in modern employment relations an interdisciplinary approach / Non-market strategies in international business how MNEs capture value through their political, social and environmental strategies / The Inside Track to Excelling As a Business Analyst Soft Skills That Can Accelerate Your Career / Servitization of industrial enterprises through acquisitions a success story / Concepts of quality connected to social media and emotions The Brand Strategy Canvas A One-Page Guide for Startups / Research methods in international business International Marketing Strategy The Country of Origin Effect on Decision-Making in Practice / Hybrid Virtual Teams in Shared Services Organizations Practices to Overcome the Cooperation Problem / New Frontiers of the Automobile Industry Exploring Geographies, Technology, and Institutional Challenges / User experience is brand experience the psychology behind successful digital products and services / User-oriented appropriateness a theoretical model of written text on Facebook for improved PR communication / Getting started with enterprise Internet of Things design approaches and software architecture models / Innovative technologies for market leadership investing in the future / Managing Technology in Healthcare Transforming Japanese Business Rising to the Digital Challenge / Social media communication data for recovery detecting socio-economic activities following a disaster / Sustainable food chains and ecosystems cooperative approaches for a changing world / Advanced operations management for complex systems analysis Digitalization for value creation corporate culture for a digital world / Online channel integration value creation and customer reactions in online and physical stores / Citizenship in organizations : practicing the immeasurable / Inside the mind of the entrepreneur : cognition, personality traits, intention, and gender behavior / Organizing smart buildings and cities promoting innovation and participation / Against entrepreneurship : a critical examination / Analysis of environmental policy in the power sector equilibrium methods and bi-level modeling / Customer Experience Management Rebooted: Are you an Experience brand or an Efficiency brand? Ecotourism and cultural production : an anthropology of indigenous spaces in Ecuador. Knowledge, people, and digital transformation approaches for a sustainable future / Brand Hate Navigating Consumer Negativity in the Digital World. The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work. The inside track to excelling as a business analyst : soft skills that can accelerate your career / Luxury Fashion Retail Management. Agile Software Development Teams. Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics. Pay Variation in Family Firms. Sustainable Luxury Brands : Evidence from Research and Implications for Managers. Operational research in business and economics : 4th international. International Fragmentation Impacts and Prospects for Manufacturing, Marketing, Economy, and Growth. Future viability, business models, and values : strategy, business management and economy in disruptive markets / Getting the Message Across : Using Slideware Effectively in Technical Presentations / Out-thinking Organizational Communications the Impact of Digital Transformation. Library and Information Sciences : Trends and Research / Advances in Advertising Research VIII Challenges in an Age of Dis-Engagement. Managing agricultural enterprises : exploring profitability and best practice in Central Europe / Conference Proceedings Trends in Business Communication 2016. Disclosure Behavior of European Firms around the Adoption of IFRS Valuation of human capital : quantifying the importance of an assembled workforce / Inside management : studying organizational practices / Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics - Vol. 2 : Proceedings of the 15th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference. Healthcare Systems Management : 21st Century Perspectives of Asia. Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management. Critical Systems Thinking Current Research and Practice / The Impact of Diaspora Ventures on the Dynamics of the Start-up Ecosystem Berlin. China Goes Global : the Impact of Chinese Overseas Investment on its Business Enterprises. Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Quintuple Helix Model. Hidden Inequalities in the Workplace : a Guide to the Current Challenges, Issues and Business Solutions. Bayesian Statistics in Actuarial Science with Emphasis on Credibility / The Western Edge Work and Management in the Information Age / The Internationalization of the Japanese Economy Major Companies of Europe 1991/1992 Volume 1 Major Companies of the Continental European Community / Major Companies of the Arab World 1991/92 Haptic sensation and consumer behaviour the influence of tactile stimulation in physical and online environments / Transitions and boundaries in the coordination and reform of health services building knowledge, strategy and leadership / Value-based management in Mittelstand the relevance to strategic decision-making, objectives, and attitudes / Using arts-based research methods creative approaches for researching business, organisation and humanities / The Brand Strategy Canvas : a One-Page Guide for Startups / The network trap : why women struggle to make it into the boardroom / Distributed leadership : the dynamics of balancing leadership with followership / Perceived Brand Localness An Empirical Study of the German Fashion Market / Practical Decision Making An Introduction to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Using Super Decisions V2 / Zero outage : putting ICT quality first in the digital era / Medium Companies of Europe 1991/92 Volume 2 Medium Companies of the United Kingdom / Retail Brand Equity and Loyalty Analysis in the Context of Sector-Specific Antecedents, Perceived Value, and Multichannel Retailing. Leading an African Renaissance : Opportunities and Challenges. Risk, Capital Costs, and Project Financing Decisions |
147 |
HF5001 |
Development, growth and finance of organizations from an Eastern European context : the 2015 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (GSMAC) / Zone to win : organizing to compete in an age of disruption / The "i" of leadership : strategies for seeing, being and doing / What Great Salespeople Do the Science of Selling Through Emotional Connection and the Power of Story / What Got You Here Won't Get You There in Sales How Successful Salespeople Take it to the Next Level / Recent Developments in Normative Trade Theory and Welfare Economics / Solutions for business, culture and religion in Eastern Europe and beyond : the 2016 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (GSMAC) / The mindset of success : accelerate your career from good manager to great leader / Innovation for the fatigued : how to build a culture of deep creativity / |
11 |
HF5001-6182 |
Stakeholder management Understanding Industry 4. 0 : AI, the Internet of Things, and the Future of Work. Reflections and Extensions on Key Papers of the First Twenty-Five Years of Advances. Digitalization, Sustainable Development, and Industry 5. 0 An Organizational Model for Twin Transitions. Advances in Business and Management Forecasting. New Ways of Working Practices: Antecedents and Outcomes. Integrated Business Transformation : Maximizing Value by Connecting Strategy to Capabilities. Mastering Business for Strategic Communicators: Insights and Advice from the C-suite of Leading Brands. SMASH : Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth. Researching Craft Beer Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Understanding Products As Services How the Internet and AI Are Transforming Product Companies. The business of choice : how human instinct influences everyone's decisions / Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4. 0. Resilient Businesses for Sustainability Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Supply Chain Management and Society, Part A. Inspiring Workplace Spirituality Resilient Businesses for Sustainability Advances in Human Resource Management and Marketing, Part B. |
16 |
HF5001-6182.2 |
The India-Korea CEPA An Analysis of Industrial Competitiveness and Environmental and Resource Implications / India-Pakistan Trade Strengthening Economic Relations / Italy's Top Products in World Trade The Fortis-Corradini Index / Pop-up Retailing : Managerial and Strategic Perspectives / |
4 |
HF5001 .A43 |
University of Akron business review. Akron business and economic review. |
2 |
HF5001 .A44 |
Directory of marketing services and membership roster of the American Marketing Association. The ... Marketing news international directory of the American Marketing Association and marketing services guide. Membership directory and international buyers' guide to marketing services. The ... American Marketing Association international member & marketing services guide. The ... Marketing news marketing yellow pages and international directory of the American Marketing Association. National membership roster of the American Marketing Association. Advertising section of marketing service organizations and membership roster of the American Marketing Association. The ... American Marketing Association yellow pages & international membership directory. American Marketing Association international membership directory and marketing services guide. |
9 |
HF5001 .A54 |
Entrepreneurship theory and practice : ET&P. American journal of small business. |
2 |
HF5001 .A71 | Arizona review : AR. | 1 |
HF5001 .A723 |
Association management Journal. |
2 |
HF5001 .B2 |
Business and economic review : BER. Business & government review : BGR. |
2 |
HF5001 .B322 | Babson's reports. | 1 |
HF5001 .B35 | The Business history review : a unique link between the business and scholarly communities / | 1 |
HF5001 .B6784 |
Boston University business review. Business review. |
2 |
HF5001 .B68 |
Boston University business review. Business review. |
2 |
HF5001 .B7657 | Business and society. | 1 |
HF5001 .B79 |
Business and society review. Business and society review/Innovation. |
3 |
HF5001 .B825 | Business economics : the journal of the National Association of Business Economists. | 1 |