Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5415.2.R24 2011 Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis : Models and Designs. 1
HF5415.2 .R24 2011eb Choice-based conjoint analysis : models and designs / 1
HF5415.2 .R26 2014 Gear Up Test Your Business Model Potential and Plan Your Path to Success / 1
HF5415.2 .R28 Sales forecasting methods : a survey of recent developments / 1
HF5415.2 .R32 Readings in managing the marketing research function / 1
HF5415.2 .R33 Readings in survey research / 1
HF5415.2 .R34 Readings in the analysis of survey data / 2
HF5415.2 .R42 The effects of national culture on organizational responses to the marketing concept / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 00-104 The role of package color in consumer purchase consideration and choice / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 00-105 A model-based approach for planning and developing a family of technology-based products / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 00-118 Capabilities for forging customer relationships / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 02-116 HF5415.3 The brand switching fraction of promotion effects : unit sales versus elasticity decompositions / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no.02-121 Hf5415.153 The international takeoff of new products : the role of economics, culture, and country innovativeness / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no.02-122 HD45 What will the future bring? : dominance, technology expectations, and radical innovation / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 97-118 A different game : really new products, evolving markets, and responsive organizations / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 97-123 The effects of brand name suggestiveness on advertising recall / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 97-124 New frontiers in competitive decision making : toward a research agenda / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 97-125 Consumers' perceptions of the assortment offered in a grocery category : the impact of item reduction / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 97-126 Why do consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands? / 1
HF5415.2 .R42 no. 98-101 The impact of marketing policy on promotional price elasticities and baseline sales / 1