Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5438.25 .E459 2019eab Direct Selling For Dummies / 1
HF5438.25 .E844 2018 Selling skills for complete amateurs / 1
HF5438.25 .E93 A motivational approach to selling / 1
HF5438.25 .E93 1982 A motivational approach to selling / 1
HF5438.25 .F674 2010 Fortify your sales force : leading and training exceptional teams / 1
HF5438.25 .F694 2014 Nonstop Sales Boom : Powerful Strategies to Drive Consistent Growth Year After Year. 1
HF5438.25 .F74 2011ab Sell yourself first : the most critical element in every sales force / 1
HF5438.25 .F75 2012eb No thanks, I'm just looking! : sales techniques for turning shoppers into buyers / 1
HF5438.25 .F868 1989 ABC's of selling / 1
HF5438.25 .F87 1984 Fundamentals of selling / 1
HF5438.25 .F87 1988 Fundamentals of selling / 1
HF5438.25 .F876 1992 Personal selling : how to succeed in sales / 1
HF5438.25 .G34 2009eb Honesty sells how to make more money and increase business profits /
Honesty sells : how to make more money and increase business profits /
HF5438.25 .G355 2007eb Sales scripts that sell / 1
HF5438.25 .G367 2007eb 25 sales strategies and activities / 2
HF5438.25 .G372 2005eb The million-dollar sale : how to get to the top decision makers and close the big sale in just two calls / 1
HF5438.25 .G374 1994 The Prentice Hall encyclopedic dictionary of selling / 2
HF5438.25 .G38 2008 The perfect salesforce : the 6 best practices of the world's best sales teams / 1
HF5438.25 .G43 2011 Aufstand der Verkäufer : Abhilfe für die notorische Unentschlossenheit potentieller Kunden / 1
HF5438.25 .G434 2012 Premeditated selling : tools for developing the right strategy for every opportunity / 1