Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5469.65 ǂb .M874 2016eb Museum Store Association Retail Industry Report, 2014 Edition : Financial, Operations, Salary, and Best Practices Information for the Nonprofit Retail Industry. 1
HF5469.65 ǂb .M874 2016eb Museum Store Association Retail Industry Report, 2014 Edition : Financial, Operations, Salary, and Best Practices Information for the Nonprofit Retail Industry. 1
HF5469.7-5481 Vintage Luxury Fashion : Exploring the Rise of the Secondhand Clothing Trade.
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Enhancing its Contribution to Socio-Economic Development.
Acquisitions by emerging multinational corporations : motivation and performance of transactions in Western Europe and North America /
Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research Environment : Methodologies and Cases in Business Research /
Making Global Value Chains Geographies of Market-Oriented Development in Ghana and Peru.
HF5469.7.G7 E53 1616 By the Kings Maiesties commissioners, for transposing and changing the dayes and times of faires, marts, or markets, vpon reasonable compositions, and establishing of them 1
HF5469.7.G7 .E53 1620 By His Maiesties commissioners for granting of fairs and markets 1
HF5470 Urban Markets : Developing Informal Retailing.
Contested markets, contested cities : gentrification and urban justice in retail spaces /
Market versus society : anthropological insights /
A collection of surveys on market experiments /
Market/place : exploring spaces of exchange /
Matching services to markets : the role of the human sensorium in shaping service-intensive markets /
Diseño de mercados.
HF5470.A33 1679 Advertisement. At the plow-musick booth in Smith Field-Rounds (a red-flag being on the top) during the time of Bartholomew Fair, you may be entertained with excellent sports, viz. antick-dances, entries, cerebrands and jiggs. 1
HF5470 .B357 2017 Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom : For a Market Culture Beyond Greed and Fear. 1
HF5470 .B43 Geography of market centers and retail distribution / 1
HF5470 .C627 2013 Collection of Surveys on Market Experiments. 1
HF5470 .E4 2008 When markets collide : investment strategies for the age of global economic change / 2
HF5470 .H47 2023 A new principles of economics : the science of markets / 2
HF5470 .H57 2015 A history of market performance : from ancient Babylonia to the modern world / 1
HF5470 .H578 2015eb A history of market performance : from ancient Babylonia to the modern world / 1
HF5470 .L3 Win, place, and show : effective business exhibiting / 1
HF5470 .L48 1986 Flohmärkte = Fleamarkets = Les marchés aux puces / 1
HF5470 .L58 2008eb Lived experiences of public consumption encounters with value in marketplaces on five continents / 1
HF5470 .M35 1991 Markets, hierarchies and networks : The coordination of social life / 1
HF5470 .M3637 2021 Markets in their place : context, culture, finance / 1
HF5470 .M8 Open markets, an essential of free enterprise. 1