Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5549.5.D7 Young Adults in the Workplace : a Multisite Initiative of Substance Use Prevention Programs /
Managing workplace substance misuse : a guide for professionals /
HF5549.5.D7 A33 2016  
HF5549.5.D7 A76 1987 Drug abuse in the workplace : prevention and control / 1
HF5549.5.D7 A86 1990 Corporate experiences with drug testing programs / 1
HF5549.5.D7 B33 1991 Organizational change and drug-free workplaces : templates for success / 1
HF5549.5.D7 B36 1989 Complete handbook for combating substance abuse in the workplace : medical facts, legal issues, and practical solutions / 1
HF5549.5.D7 B76 1991 Working dazed : why drugs pervade the workplace and what can be done about it / 2
HF5549.5.D7 B76 1991eb Working dazed : why drugs pervade the workplace and what can be done about it / 1
HF5549.5.D7 C2 1976b The working addict / 1
HF5549.5.D7 C35 1988 Drugs and alcohol in the workplace : a guide for managers / 1
HF5549.5.D7 C36 1995 Substance abuse in the workplace / 1
HF5549.5.D7 C44 Employee drug abuse; a manager's guide for action
Employee drug abuse : a manager's guide for action /
HF5549.5.D7 D7 1987 Drug abuse : the workplace issues. 1
HF5549.5.D7 D7492 1990 Drugs in the workplace : research and evaluation data : volume II / 1
HF5549.5.D7 E47 1988 Employee drug testing : information on private sector programs : report to the Honorable Charles Schumer, House of Representatives / 1
HF5549.5.D7 F38 1991 Drug testing / 1
HF5549.5.D7 F38 1991eb Drug testing / 1
HF5549.5.D7 G55 1994 Surveillance, privacy, and the law : employee drug testing and the politics of social control / 3
HF5549.5.D7 H35 Drug abuse and your company. 1
HF5549.5.D7 H69 1995 The worker, the firm, and the decision to use drugs / 1