HF5549.5.E45 T4
Selecting and orienting staff for service overseas : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research / |
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HF5549.5.E45 T456 2014
HF5549.5.E45 T593 1994
International human resource management : think globally, act locally / |
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HF5549.5.E45 T86 1984
Key to Japan's economic strength : human power / |
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HF5549.5.E45 V46 2006eb
Managing a global workforce : challenges and opportunities in international human resource management / |
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HF5549.5.E45 W523 1998eb
International success : selecting, developing, and supporting expatriate managers / |
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HF5549.5 .E5
La pratique des tests psychotechniques : Pour réussir les tests de sélection de l'entretien d'embauche. |
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Test bias in employment selection testing a visual introduction / |
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HF5549.5.E5 A4
The use of psychological tests in industry / |
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HF5549.5.E5 A48
Personnel testing and equal employment opportunity / |
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HF5549.5.E5 B35 1992
Predicting success in higher-level positions : a guide to the System for testing and evaluation of potential / |
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HF5549.5.E5 B49 1998eb
Beyond multiple choice : evaluating alternatives to traditional testing for selection / |
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HF5549.5.E5 B53 2017
Adverse impact and test validation : a practitioner's guide to valid and defensible employment testing / |
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HF5549.5.E5 B778 2011
The graduate psychometric test workbook : essential preparation for quantitative reasoning data interpretation and verbal reasoning tests / |
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HF5549.5.E5 B779 2007eb
How to pass graduate psychometric tests : essential preparation for numerical and verbal ability tests plus personality questionnaires / |
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HF5549.5.E5 F47 1984
Preemployment polygraphy / |
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HF5549.5.E5 G4
The validity of occupational aptitude tests / |
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HF5549.5.E5 G8
Personnel testing / |
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HF5549.5.E5 H36 1993
The fractured marketplace for standardized testing / |
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HF5549.5.E5 H699 2002
Psychological testing at work : how to use, interpret, and get the most out of the newest tests in personality, learning styles, aptitudes, interests, and more! / |
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