Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5635 .D65 Accounting and the law : cases and materials / 1
HF5635 .D785 1982 Advanced accounting. 2
HF5635 .D79 Practical book-keeping, containing thorough instruction in journalizing, posting, and closing ... 1
HF5635 .D795 1990 Finance & accounting for nonfinancial managers / 1
HF5635 .D795 1998 Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers : all the basics you need to know / 1
HF5635 .D987 Long-lived assets / 1
HF5635 .E132 Accounting and the analysis of financial data / 1
HF5635 .E22 1978 Economic consequences of financial accounting standards : selected papers. 1
HF5635 .E225 2004eb The economics and politics of accounting : international perspectives on research, trends, policy, and practice / 1
HF5635 .E24 Accounting for economic events / 1
HF5635.E25 Introduction to Accounting. 1
HF5635 .E26 1981 College accounting fundamentals / 1
HF5635 .E27 Intermediate accounting / 2
HF5635 .E3 Modern accounting theory and practice / 1
HF5635 .E452 Intermediate accounting / 1
HF5635 .E538 1990 Accounting for management control 1
HF5635 .E54 Encyclopedia of accounting systems /
Encyclopedia of accounting systems,
HF5635 .E54 1976 Encyclopedia of accounting systems. 1
HF5635 .E56 Accounting and economic development policy / 1
HF5635 E776 2020 Contabilidad básica : conceptos y técnica / 1