Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF5667.15 .R49 2006 (INTERNET) Audit committee oversight effectiveness post Sarbanes-Oxley act 1
HF5667.15 .R492 2016 Audit committee formation in the aftermath of 2007-2009 global financial crisis. 1
HF5667.15 .S74 2000 Audit committee effectiveness-- what works best / 1
HF5667.15 .V4714 2008 Audit committee essentials / 1
HF5667.15 .V4714 2008eb Audit committee essentials 1
HF5667.6 .E83 1982 The auditor's report and investor behavior / 2
HF5667.6 .G45 2021 Auditor going concern reporting : a review of global research and future research opportunities / 1
HF5667.6 .G89 2006 (INTERNET) Auditors' reports non-issuers / 1
HF5667.62 .M36 1999 Management's discussion and analysis. 1
HF5667.65 .N67 2008 How to read a financial statement. 2
HF5668 Data analytics for internal auditors / 1
HF5668 .A236 2017 Accounting, Auditing & Governance in the SAARC group of nations : Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 1
HF5668 .C66 2006eb Common body of knowledge study on internal auditing. 1
HF5668 .C75 2002eb Critical perspectives on accounting and finance. 1
HF5668 .D47 1998eb Derivatives and the internal auditor : key topics and concerns / 1
HF5668 .I58i Internal auditing (WG&L) 1
HF5668 .P53 2011eb The essential guide to internal auditing / 2
HF5668 .V355 2014eb Wiley CIAexcel exam review focus notes 2014. 1
HF5668.15 .L45 2010eb A pocket guide to risk mathematics : key concepts every auditor should know /
A pocket guide to risk mathematics key concepts every auditor should know /
HF5668.25 Executive's guide to COSO internal controls : understanding and implementing the new framework /
Internal audit quality : developing a quality assurance and improvement program /
Lean auditing : driving added value and efficiency in internal audit /
Internal control audit and compliance : documentation and testing under the new COSO framework /
Microsoft 365 compliance : a practical guide to managing risk /
Brink's modern internal auditing : a common body of knowledge /
Financial controlling /
Wiley CIA exam review focus notes 2013.
Microsoft 365 compliance a practical guide to managing risk /
Purchasing, inventory, and cash disbursements : common frauds and internal controls /
Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2014 Focus Notes Part 2, Internal Audit Practice.
Intelligent internal control and risk management : designing high-performance risk control systems /
Wiley CIA exam review.
The digital transformation of auditing and the evolution of the internal audit /
L'internal auditing : profili organizzativi, dinamica di funzionamento e creazione del valore /
Company controlling /
The change agent : transforming an underperforming internal audit department /
Machine learning for auditors : automating fraud investigations through artificial intelligence /
Wiley CIA exam review 2013.
Executive's guide to COSO internal controls understanding and implementing the new framework /
Internal control audit and compliance documentation and testing under the new COSO framework /
Ethics and the Internal Auditor's Political Dilemma : Tools and Techniques to Evaluate a Company's Ethical Culture /
Kapitał ludzki jako czynnik skuteczności audytu wewnętrznego /
Enterprise resource planning, corporate governance and internal auditing : an institutional perspective /
Internal audit leadership : elevating the internal audit function to accelerate value /
Revisoría fiscal una garantía para la empresa, la sociedad y el Estado /