Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HF5813.C5 W37 2008eb |
Brand new China : advertising, media, and commercial culture / Brand new China advertising, media, and commercial culture / |
2 |
HF5813.C5 W37163 2011 | Gendai Chūgoku no shōhi bunka : burandingu, kōkoku, media / | 1 |
HF5813.C5 X8 1990 | Marketing to China : one billion new customers / | 2 |
HF5813.C6 | Social issues of advertising / | 1 |
HF5813.C6 A38 2009eb | Advertising and Chinese society : impacts and issues / | 1 |
HF5813.C6 Y676 2015 | Gu zhi wen nuan : lao Tianjin de guang gao / | 1 |
HF5813.C63 A16 1984 | 1880-1980, un siglo de publicidad gráfica en Colombia / | 1 |
HF5813.C7 V55 2018eb | Modernidad a la venta : las narrativas ilustradas de la publicidad en Colombia, 1900-1950 / | 1 |
HF5813.D44 A38 2016 | Advertising in developing and emerging countries the economic, political and social context / | 1 |
HF5813.E79 | Advertising and the European city : historical perspectives. | 1 |
HF5813.E79 A363 2000eb | Advertising and identity in Europe : the I of the beholder / | 1 |
HF5813.E79 A364 2000 | Advertising and the European city : historical perspectives / | 1 |
HF5813.E85 A38 2000 | Advertising and identity in Europe : the I of the beholder / | 1 |
HF5813.E85 R44 1992 | European advertising strategies : the profiles and policies of multinational companies operating in Europe / | 1 |
HF5813.F8 .A9 1687 | Au cro[issant] cour[onné]. | 1 |
HF5813.F8 F68 2019 | Advertising the self in Renaissance France : Lemaire, Marot, and Rabelais / | 1 |
HF5813.F8 H68 1822 | Hôtel des Américains, magasin de Provence, rue Saint-Honoré, entre l'Oratorie et la rue des Poulies, aux deux têtes noires. : On trouvera chez le sieur Labour, négociant, les marchandises suivantes : poissons du réservoir sur le Rhin, a Strasbourg, carpes, brochets, perches, truites, saumoneaux et ecrevisses. | 1 |
HF5813.F8 M37 2006eb | Marketing identities through language : English and global imagery in French advertising / | 1 |
HF5813.G3 S94 2014eb | Selling under the swastika : advertising and commercial culture in Nazi Germany / | 2 |
HF5813.G4 | Creativity and space : labour and the restructuring of the German advertising industry / | 1 |