Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG195 .B367 2023 The economics of financial services in emerging markets : measuring the output of the banking and insurance industries / 1
HG195 .B37 1994 The economics of financial reform in developing countries / 1
HG195 .B44 2001 Emerging financial markets / 1
HG195 .B84 2007 Building inclusive financial systems : a framework for financial access / 2
HG195 .B84 2007eb Building inclusive financial systems : a framework for financial access / 2
HG195 .C37 2002 The development and regulation of non-bank financial institutions / 1
HG195 .C37 2002eb The development and regulation of non-bank financial institutions /
The development and regulation of non-bank financial institutions
HG195 .C488 2006 Financial Sector Assessment Program : IEG Review of the Joint World Bank and IMF Initiative. 1
HG195 -- C488 2006eb Financial Sector Assessment Program : IEG Review of the Joint World Bank and IMF Initiative. 1
HG195 .C58 2007  
HG195 .C58 2007eb Financial sector development and the Millennium Development Goals / 1
HG195 .D32 2018 Finance and development the role of international commercial banks in the Third World / 1
HG195 .D37 2004eb Financial globalization and the emerging market economies / 1
HG195.D37 2004eb HG195.D37 2004 Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economy. 1
HG195 .D46 2008 Finance for all? policies and pitfalls in expanding access /
Finance for all? : policies and pitfalls in expanding access /
HG195 .D48 2008eb Development finance in the global economy the road ahead / 1
HG195 .D66 2008eb Domestic resource mobilization and financial development /
Domestic resource mobilization and financial development
HG195 .D96 2005 Dynamic models and their applications in emerging markets / 2
HG195 .E83 1983 Fiscal and Monetary Policies and Problems in Developing Countries / 1
HG195 .E96 1997 Experiences with financial liberalization / 1