Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG2040.2 .M84 1992 Mortgage lending in Boston : interpreting HMDA data / 1
HG2040.2 .R67 2002 The color of credit : mortgage discrimination, research methodology, and fair-lending enforcement / 1
HG2040.2 .R67 2003eb The color of credit mortgage discrimination, research methodology, and fair-lending enforcement / 1
HG2040.2 .S27 2020 Predatory lending and the destruction of the African-American dream
Predatory lending and the destruction of the African-American dream /
HG2040.2 .S29 Discrimination in mortgage lending / 3
HG2040.2 .S3 1980i Equal credit opportunity accessibility to mortgage funds by women and by minorities : final technical report / 1
HG2040.2.T4 M5 1979 Minorities and the Farmers Home Administration : an unfulfilled promise / 1
HG2040.2 .T65 1996 Can studies of application denials and mortgage defaults uncover taste-based discrimination? / 1
HG2040.2 .T66 1995 Discrimination, redlining, and private mortgage insurance / 1
HG2040.2 .U55 1998 Residential mortgage lending disparities in Washington, D.C. / 1
HG2040.25 .C65 1991 The Commercial loan resale market : a banker's guide to selling commercial, industrial and LBO debt / 1
HG2040.25 .S43 1987 The Secondary mortgage market : a handbook of strategies, techniques, and critical issues in contemporary mortgage finance / 1
HG2040.25 .S43 1992 The secondary mortgage market : strategies for surviving & thriving in today's challenging markets / 1
HG2040.25 .S47 1991 Servicing mortgage portfolios : strategies & applications for buying, selling and managing mortgage loan portfolios / 1
HG2040.45 .K58 2006eb Is housing wealth an "ATM"? : the relationship between household wealth, home equity withdrawal, and saving rates / 1
HG2040.5 .B74 2020eb Housing and financial stability : mortgage lending and macroprudential policy in the UK and US / 1
HG2040.5.E85 N48 2008eb On the rationality of borrowers' behaviour : comparing risk attitudes of homeowners / 1
HG2040.5.G7 The mortgage market : theory and practice of housing finance / 1
HG2040.5.G7 A5 1966 Help towards home ownership / 1
HG2040.5.G7.B65 2012eb Mortgage Market (RLE Banking & Finance) : Theory and Practice of Housing Finance. 1