Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG229 .F68 Inflation : causes and consequences. 1
HG229 .F723 1983 Theories of Inflation / 1
HG229 .F744 2009eb Country experiences with the introduction and implementation of inflation targeting / 1
HG229 .G35 1974 Inflação--mal universal! / 1
HG229 .G55 2009 Inflation theory in economics welfare, velocity, growth and business cycles /
Inflation theory in economics : welfare, velocity, growth and business cycles /
HG229 .G55 2023 The spectre of price inflation / 2
HG229 .G64 2013 Remembering inflation /
Remembering inflation
HG229 G653p Paper money. 1
HG229 .G676 1995 Great inflations of the 20th century : theories, policies and evidence / 1
HG229 .G677 International experiences in managing inflation : a research report from the Conference Board's International Affairs Division / 2
HG229 .G68 1976 Inflation : the price of prosperity / 2
HG229 .G76 1962 The decay of money ; a survey of Western currencies, 1912-1962. 1
HG229 .H14 Inflation and the unions : three studies in the effects of labour monopoly power on inflation in Britain and the USA / 1
HG229 .H15 1966 Inflation, its causes and cures ; with a new look at inflation in 1966.
Inflation, its causes and cures : with a new look at inflation in 1966.
HG229 .H18 The theory of inflation / 1
HG229 .H25 1951 A study in the theory of inflation. 1
HG229 .H27 Inflation / 1
HG229 .H3 1935 Prices and production / 1
HG229 .H35 What you should know about inflation. 1
HG229 .H35 1965 What you should know about inflation. 1