Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG229 .H895 1960A What killed prosperity in every state from ancient Rome to the present. 1
HG229 .I39 2002 Statistical implications of inflation targeting : getting the right numbers and getting the numbers right / 1
HG229 .I42 Indexing and inflation : an AEI round table held on 17 July 1974 at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. / 1
HG229 .I449 Inflation and employment in open economies : essays / 1
HG229 .I45 Inflation as a global problem /
Inflation as a global problem.
HG229 .I4512 1982 Inflation, causes and effects / 3
HG229 .I4512 1982eb Inflation, causes and effects / 1
HG229 .I45153 2010 Inflation expectations / 1
HG229 .I45153 2010eb Inflation expectations 1
HG229 .I452 Inflation in small countries : proceedings of an international conference held at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, November 1974 / 1
HG229 .I453 1976 Inflation in the world economy / 2
HG229.I456 The Inflation-Targeting Debate. 1
HG229 .I4562 2008 Inflation : roles, targeting, and dynamics / 1
HG229 .I4567 2000eb Inflation targeting in practice : strategic and operational issues and application to emerging market economies / 1
HG229 .I457 1999 Inflation targeting : lessons from the international experience / 1
HG229 .I458 1977 Inflation theory and anti-inflation policy : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden / 1
HG229 .I458 2018 Inflation theory and anti-inflation policy : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Saltsjobaden, Sweden / 1
HG229 .I459 1983 Inflation through the ages : economic, social, psychological, and historical aspects / 3
HG229 .I54 1969 Inflation : selected readings / 1
HG229 .I54 2016 Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy : A Symposium / 1