Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG3204 .I3513 Switzerland: an international banking and finance center /
Switzerland: an international banking and finance center.
HG3204 .L4813 1999 The last deposit : Swiss banks and Holocaust victims' accounts / 1
HG3204.L4813 1999 HG3204 .L4813 1999eb The Last Deposit : Swiss Banks and Holocaust Victims' Accounts. 1
HG3204 .R53 1999 Swiss banks and Jewish souls / 1
HG3204 .R535 2017 Swiss Banks and Jewish Souls / 1
HG3204 .S4 Die schweizerischen Grossbanken im zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945. 1
HG3204 .S67 Die Konzentrationsbewegung im schweizerischen Bankgewerbe in den Jahren 1918 bis 1938 / 1
HG3204 .T48 2015eb Banks of the future : putting a puzzle together creatively / 1
HG3204 .T63 2019 Der Kampf um das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis : eine 100-jährige Geschichte von Kritik und Verteidigung / 1
HG3204 .V5 Those Swiss money men. 2
HG3204 .Z8513 2002 Credit Suisse Group banks in the Second World War : a critical review / 3
HG3205 .P5 The numbered account; functions, advantages, drawbacks / 1
HG3205 .Z5313 Switzerland, the awful truth / 1
HG3206 .B683 1906 Origines et création de la banque nationale suisse (1834-1905) / 1
HG3210.G42 D4 Banque du commerce de Genève 1845-1907. 1
HG3214 Modern banking in the Balkans and West-European capital in the 19th and 20th centuries / 1
HG3232 Shaping South East Europe's security community for the twenty-first century trust, partnership, integration / 1
HG3250.5.A6 D47 1980 To zētēma tōn trapezōn (1871-1873) : oikonomikē kai politikē diamachē stēn Hellada tou ITH' [i.e. 19ou] aiōna / 1
HG3250.5.A6 P37 2012eb Greek banking from the pre-Euro reforms to the financial crisis and beyond / 1
HG3250.7 Monetary policies, banking systems, regulatory convergence, efficiency and growth in the Mediterranean / 1