Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG3881 .T68 The evolution of the international monetary system : historical reappraisal and future perspectives. 1
HG3881 .T6825 1992 Transnational banks and the external indebtedness of developing countries : impact of regulatory changes. 1
HG3881 .T683 Our international monetary system; yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 1
HG3881 .T6833 1991 Transnational banks and the international debt crisis / 1
HG3881 .T686 The world money maze : national currencies in international payments. 1
HG3881 .T7 Postwar bilateral payments agreements / 1
HG3881.U53 E71 Expansion of membership of the Inter-American Development Bank and lending to the Caribbean Development Bank / 1
HG3881 .U54 U.S. international transactions in private services : a guide to the surveys conducted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. 1
HG3881 .U55 1945i Bretton Woods Agreement Act P.L. 171, ch. 339, 79th Congress, July 31, 1945, 59 Stat. 1
HG3881 .U55 1976i Bretton Woods Agreements Act Amendments P.L. 94-564, 90 Stat. 2660, October 19, 1976. 1
HG3881 .U55 1978i Bretton Woods Agreements Act Amendments P.L. 95-435, 92 Stat. 1051, October 10, 1978. 1
HG3881 .U55 1980i Bretton Woods Agreements Act, Amendments P.L. 96-389, 94 Stat. 1551, October 7, 1980. 1
HG3881 .U55 1998 The impact of financial crisis on trade, investment and development, regional perspectives : high-level segment of the forty-fifth session of the Trade and Development Board, 11 October 1998 / 1
HG3881 .U6 1943bd United States proposal for a united and associated nations stabilization fund : preliminary draft outline released by the United States treasury for publication April 7, 1943. 1
HG3881 .U618 1961a International payments imbalances and need for strengthening international financial arrangements : report of the Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, with individual views. 1
HG3881 .U644 U.S.-European monetary relations / 1
HG3881 .V333 The World Bank and the poor / 1
HG3881 .V36 Handbook of international finance, 1958-1966 / 1
HG3881 .V36 2010 International finance and open-economy macroeconomics : theory, history, and policy / 1
HG3881 .V375 2009 Building an international financial services firm : how to design and execute cross-border strategies / 1