Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 13/87eb GPM6 : the Global Projection Model with 6 regions / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 14/133eb Macroprudential solvency stress testing of the insurance sector / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 14/148eb Public investment as an engine of growth / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 14/204eb World saving / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 14/211eb Regional labor market adjustments in the United States / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 15/121eb Crime and the economy in Mexican states : heterogeneous panel estimates (1993-2012) / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 200eb Resource windfalls, optimal public investment and redistribution : the role of total factor productivity and administrative capacity / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 225eb Inflation responses to commodity price shocks : how and why do countries differ? / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. 238eb Banking and trading / 1
HG3881.5.I58 W67 No. WP/09/177eb Towards a principal-agent based typology of risks in public-private partnerships / 1
HG3881.5.I58.Z48 2005eb Implicit Transfers in IMF Lending, 1973-2003. 1
HG3881.5.I68 A5 2006eb Al servicio de algo mas que un banco : Enrique V. Iglesias, Presidente del BID, 1988-2005. 1
HG3881.5.I84 M44 1989eb The Islamic Development Bank : a case study of Islamic co-operation / 1
HG3881.5 R477 2010 Results and Performance 2010 : the World Bank Group. 1
HG3881.5.S73 S25 2018 State Bank of India's Osaka experience / 1
HG3881.5.W57 Two Case Studies on Electronic Distribution of Government Securities : the U.S. Treasury Direct System and the Philippine Expanded Small Investors Program /
Hypocrisy Trap : the World Bank and the Poverty of Reform.
Securities Clearance and Settlement Systems : A Guide to Best Practices /
China's Accession to the World Trade Organization the Services Dimension /
Conditional cash transfer programs in Ecuador and Chile the role of policy diffusion /
Education, information, and smoking decisions : evidence from smoking histories, 1940-2000 /
How the Location of Roads and Protected Areas Affects Deforestation in North Thailand /
Controlling the Fiscal Costs of Banking Crises /
Investment climate and international integration
Skilled migration the perspective of developing countries /
Will a global subsidy of artemisinin-based combination treatment (act) for malaria delay the emergence of resistance and save lives? /
The impact of structural reforms on poverty : a simple methodology with extensions /
Raising the quality of secondary education in East Asia /
The role of advocacy in competition policy : the case of the Argentine gasoline market /
Rules of thumb for evaluating preferential trading arrangements : evidence from computable general equilibrium assessments /
Price caps, efficiency payoffs and infrastructure contract renegotiation in Latin America /
Bargaining for a new fiscal pact in Mexico /
The home as factory floor : employment and remuneration of home-based workers /
Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Ghana /
On the conservation of distance in international trade /
Avoiding customer and taxpayer bailouts in private infrastructure projects : policy toward leverage, risk allocation, and bankruptcy /
The sub prime crisis : implications for emerging markets /
Measuring subjective expectations in developing countries : a critical review and new evidence /
Rising food prices in Sub-Saharan Africa : poverty impact and policy responses /
Determinants of international emergency aid - humanitarian need only? /
Do stronger intellectual property rights increase international technology transfer? : empirical evidence from U.S. firm-level panel data /
Health investments and economic growth : macroeconomic evidence and microeconomic foundations /
Poverty decline, agricultural wages, and non-farm employment in rural India : 1983-2004 /
North-south trade-related technology diffusion, brain drain and productivity growth : are small states different? /
Global income distribution and poverty in the absence of agricultural distortions /
Auctions with endogenous participation and quality thresholds : evidence from oda infrastructure procurement /
Welfare impacts of rural electrification : a case study from Bangladesh /
The demographic and socio-economic distribution of excess mortality during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda /
Measuring beginner reading skills : an empirical evaluation of alternative instruments and their potential use for policymaking and accountability in peru /
Convergence in institutions and market outcomes : cross-country and time-series evidence from the business environment and enterprise performance surveys in transition economies /
Weakly relative poverty /
Connecting lagging and leading regions : the role of labor mobility /
No more cutting class? : reducing teacher absence and providing incentives for performance /
Energy demand models for policy formulation : a comparative study of energy demand models /
Public finance, security, and development : a framework and an application to Afghanistan /
Foreign direct investment in services and manufacturing productivity growth : evidence for Chile /
Impact of rising rice prices and policy responses in Mali : simulations with a dynamic CGE model /
Global food price inflation : implications for South Asia, policy reactions, and future challenges /
Institutions and labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa /
Multi-product exporters : diversification and micro-level dynamics /
The effect of male migration for work on employment patterns of females in Nepal /
Explaining enterprise performance in developing countries with business climate survey data /
Macro-micro feedback links of water management in South Africa : CGE analyses of selected policy regimes /
Strengthening local government budgeting and accountability /
The market for retirement products in Sweden
Political violence and economic growth /
Technology adoption and the investment climate : firm-level evidence for Eastern Europe and Central Asia /
Decentralization, economic development, and growth in Turkish provinces
Does it matter where you come from? vertical spillovers from foreign direct investment and the nationality of investors /
Sugar in the Caribbean : adjusting to eroding preferences /
Who is coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the new recognized Seasonal Employer Program? /
Families, schools, and primary-school learning : evidence for Argentina and Colombia in an international perspective /
Populist fiscal policy /
Climate change governance /
When do legislators pass on "pork"? : the determinants of legislator utilization of a constituency development fund in India /
Household welfare and natural resource management around national parks in Zambia /
Aid, shocks, and growth /
Is deliberation equitable? : evidence from transcripts of village meetings in South India /
Does gender matter for firm performance? evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia /
Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala /
Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking, with applications to China and Vietnam /
"Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter" understanding corruption using cross-national firm level surveys /
The impact of trade liberalization on household welfare in Vietnam /
Teacher shocks and student learning : evidence from Zambia /
Reducing child malnutrition in Tanzania - combined effects of income growth and program interventions /
International financial integration through the law of one price /
The poverty impact of rural roads : evidence from Bangladesh /
Inequality of opportunity and economic development /
Diversification, innovation, and imitation inside the global technological frontier /
The microeconomics of creating productive jobs : a synthesis of firm-level studies in transition economies /
The social impact of a WTO agreement in Indonesia /
Supervision of financial conglomerates : the case of Chile /
Access to financial services in Colombia : the "unbanked" in Bogota /
Early childhood development through an integrated program : evidence from the Philippines /
Managing the effects of tax expenditures on national budgets /
Local inequality and project choice : theory and evidence from Ecuador /
Catastrophe risk management using alternative risk financing and insurance pooling mechanisms /
The role of opinion leaders in the diffusion of new knowledge : the case of integrated pest management /
Market Access for Sale : Latin America's Lobbying for U.S. Tariff Preferences /
Market discipline under systemic risk evidence from bank runs in emerging economies /
Antidumping as safeguard policy
What triggers inflation in emerging market economies? /
The World Bank : a Critical Primer.
Poverty reduction, education, and the global diffusion of conditional cash transfers /
The European Union, the World Bank and the policymaking of aid : cooperation among developers /
Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda /
Development Financing during a Crisis Securitization of Future Receivables /
A Little Engine that Could ... Domestic Private Companies and Vietnam's Pressing Need for Wage Employment /
Communities of practice at the World Bank : breaking knowledge silos to catalyze culture change and organizational transformation /
The hobbled giant : essays on the World Bank /
Africa's choices : after thirty years of the World Bank /
Trade diversion under selective preferential market access
Are all the sacred cows dead? implications of the financial crisis for macro and financial policies /
Transportation fuel use, technology and standards the role of credibility and expectations /
Dollarization of the banking system good or bad? /
Emerging trends in WTO dispute settlement : back to the GATT? /
Regional integration and technology diffusion : the case of the North America Free Trade Agreement /
Small and medium enterprises across the globe : / a new database /
Credit reporting and financing constraints /
Getting girls into school : evidence from a scholarship program in Cambodia /
How adverse selection affects the health insurance market
Estimating individual vulnerability to poverty with pseudo-panel data
Conflicts of interest in self-regulation : can demutualized exchanges successfully manage them? /
Greenfield foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisitions : / feedback and macroeconomic effects /
India : why fiscal adjustment now /
Do market pressures induce economic efficiency? : the case of Slovenian manufacturing, 1994-2001 /
Career placement of skilled migrants in the U.S. labor market : a dynamic approach /
Enabling conditions for second pillars of pension systems /
Longer-term economic impacts of self-help groups in India /
Gender wage differentials in Brazil : / trends over a turbulent era /
Inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunities in Brazil /
Import demand elasticities and trade distortions /
Creating a 21st century national innovation system for a 21st century Latvian economy /
Preferential trading in South Asia /
The economic consequences of health shocks
Poverty effects of higher food prices : a global perspective /
Is the developing world catching up? : global convergence and national rising dispersion /
The global distribution of trademarks : some stylized facts /
Which doctor? : combining vignettes and item response to measure doctor quality /
International migration, remittances, and poverty in developing countries /
Wind power development : economics and policies /
Household composition and the response of child labor supply to product market integration : / evidence from Vietnam /
Risks, ex-ante actions and public assistance : impacts of natural disasters on child schooling in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi /
Valuing mortality and morbidity in the context of disaster risks /
Liquidity needs and vulnerability to financial underdevelopment /
Cross-border purchases of health services : a case study on Austria and Hungary /
China's integration with the world : development as a process of learning and industrial upgrading /
Taking the bad with the good : volatility of foreign portfolio investment and financial constraints of small firms /
Grand corruption in utilities /
Financing rural development for a harmonious society in China : recent reforms in public finance and their prospects /
Bank competition and financial stability /
How has environment mattered? : an analysis of World Bank resource allocation /
What drives bank competition? : some international evidence /
Contracting models of the Phillips Curve : empirical estimates for middle-income countries /
Integrating housing wealth into the social safety net : the elderly in Moscow /
Trade reforms, market access and poverty in Argentina /
Assessing the geographic impact of higher food prices in Guinea /
Tariff evasion and customs corruption : does pre-shipment inspection help? /
On the utility consistency of poverty lines /
The political economy of public spending on education, inequality, and growth /
On measuring aggregate "social efficiency" /
Governance, corruption, and trade in the Asia Pacific region
Predicting the poverty impacts of trade reform /
Hunting for leopards : long run country income dynamics in Africa /
Assessing interactions among education, social insurance, and labor market policies in a general equilibrium framework : an application to Morocco /
Labor market distortions, rural-urban inequality, and the opening of China's economy /
Costs of taxation and the benefits of public goods : the role of income effects /
Cultivate or rent out? land security in rural Thailand /
How do differing standards increase trade costs? the case of pallets /
How can donors help build global public goods in health?
Genetically modified rice adoption implications for welfare and poverty alleviation /
Child health and the 1988-92 economic crisis in Peru
An evaluation of the performance of regression discontinuity design on PROGRESA
Governance of public pension funds : lessons from corporate governance and international evidence /
Land rights and economic development : evidence from Vietnam /
Youth at risk, social exclusion, and intergenerational poverty dynamics a new survey instrument with application to Brazil /
Off and running? : technology, trade, and the rising demand for skilled workers in Latin America /
On "good" politicians and "bad" policies social cohesion, institutions, and growth /
An analysis of money's worth ratios in Chile
Migration, sex bias, and child growth in rural Pakistan /
Air pollution during growth accounting for governance and vulnerability /
The effects of migration on child health in Mexico /
The power of information : evidence from a newspaper campaign to reduce capture /
The political economy of deposit insurance /
Loss aversion and trade policy
Human capital and earnings inequality in Brazil, 1988-98 : / quantile regression evidence /
International survey of integrated financial sector supervision /
The world trade organization's Doha cotton initiative : a tale of two issues /
The data chase : what's out there on trade costs and nontariff barriers? /
Does Indonesia have a "low pay" civil service
Shaping future GATS rules for trade in services /
Foreign aid and market-liberalizing reform
Earnings mobility and measurement error : a pseudo-panel approach /
Creating a more efficient financial system : challenges for Bangladesh /
Strained mercy : the quality of medical care in Delhi /
Local financial development and growth
Monetary policy and sectoral shocks : did the Federal Reserve react properly to the high-tech crisis? /
Rapid onset natural disasters : the role of financing in effective risk management /
Financing small and medium-size enterprises with factoring : global growth and its potential in Eastern Europe /
Small and medium enterprises, growth, and poverty : cross-country evidence /
The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and its Rules of Origin generosity undermined? /
Individual and country-level factors affecting support for foreign aid /
The great proletarian cultural revolution, disruptions to education, and returns to schooling in urban China /
Gender and poverty : / a life cycle approach to the analysis of the differences in gender outcomes /
Donor fragmentation and bureaucratic quality in aid recipients /
Including financial services in preferential trade agreements : lessons of international experience for China /
Supply-side school improvement and the learning achievement of the poorest children in indigenous and rural schools : / the case of PARE /
The use and misuse of computers in education : evidence from a randomized experiment in Colombia /
The growth of transport sector CO2 emissions and underlying factors in Latin America and the Caribbean /
Universal service obligations in developing countries /
Nonfarm activity and rural income inequality : a case study of two provinces in China /
Romania's integration into European markets : implications for sustainability of the current export boom /
Carbon markets, institutions, policies, and research /
In search of the missing resource curse /
Tax policy to reduce carbon emissions in South Africa /
A positive stigma for child labor? /
A special safeguard mechanism for agricultural imports and the management of reform
On the use of transparent formulae to allocate federal education transfers /
Social protection in a crisis : Argentina's Plan Jefes y Jefas /
Rising income inequality in China a race to the top /
The use of "asset swaps" by institutional investors in South Africa /
Quantifying the impact of services liberalization in a developing country /
Equitable provision of long-term public goods : the role of negotiation mandates /
Product market integration and household labor supply in a poor economy : evidence from Vietnam /
Aid, policies, and growth : / revisiting the evidence /
Does greater accountability improve the quality of delivery of public services? : Evidence from Uganda /
Local conflict in Indonesia : measuring incidence and identifying patterns /
Pension funds and national saving /
What happens when a country does not adjust to terms of trade shocks? The case of oil-rich Gabon /
Trade, capital accumulation, and structural unemployment an empirical study of the Singapore economy /
The impact of Chilean fruit sector development on female employment and household income /
Is there room for foreign exchange interventions under an inflation targeting framework? : Evidence from Mexico and Turkey /
Temporary sequestration credits : an instrument for carbon bears /
Insurance regulation in Jordan : new rules, old system /
The welfare effects of slum improvement programs : the case of Mumbai /
Telecommunications performance, reforms, and governance /
Estimating trade restrictiveness indices /
Bulgaria's integration into the pan-European economy and industrial restructuring /
Public-private sector wage differentials and returns to education in Djibouti /
The return to firm investment in human capital /
Bank ownership type and banking relationships /
Foreign direct investment, regulations, and growth /
Does rising landlessness signal success or failure for Vietnam's agrarian transition? /
Promoting access to primary equity markets : a legal and regulatory approach /
Immigration to Switzerland - the case of the former republic of Yugoslavia /
Inequality is bad for the poor /
Effects of primary, secondary, and tertiary education on economic growth : evidence from Guatemala, volume 1 of 2 /
The Doha trade round and Mozambique /
Pesticide poisoning of farm workers : implications of blood test results from Vietnam /
Private participation in infrastructure projects in the Republic of Korea /
Symbolic public goods and the coordination of collective action : a comparison of local development in India and Indonesia /
Transfer of technology to developing countries unilateral and multilateral policy options /
Lessons from World Bank research on financial crises /
Technological asymmetry among foreign investors and mode of entry /
To serve the community or oneself : the public servant's dilemma /
Housekeeping and plumbing : the investability of emerging markets /
May growth lead to higher deprivation despite higher satisfaction? /
Moving up the ladder? : the impact of migration experience on occupational mobility in Albania /
Can risk averse competitive input providers serve farmers efficiently in developing countries? /
International migration and gender differentials in the home labor market : evidence from albania /
Aids and dualism : Ethiopia's burden under rational expectations /
Weathering the storm : investing in port infrastructure to lower trade costs in East Asia /
The performance of decentralized school systems : evidence from Fe y Alegria in Venezuela /
Trade, regulations, and growth /
Decentralization or fiscal autonomy? : what does really matter? effects on growth and public sector size in European transition countries /
Competing concepts of inequality in the globalization debate /
On the quantity and quality of knowledge : / the impact of openness and foreign research and development on North-North and North-South technology spillovers /
Professional development and incentives for teacher performance in schools in Mexico /
Long-term financial incentives and investment in daughters : evidence from conditional cash transfers in north India /
Standards and agro-food exports from developing countries : rebalancing the debate /
Mortgage securities in emerging markets /
The scaling-up of microfinance in Bangladesh : determinants, impact, and lessons /
Frame-of-reference bias in subjective welfare regressions /
The current account as a dynamic portfolio choice problem /
The hidden costs of ethnic conflict : decomposing trends in educational outcomes of young Kosovars /
Contractual savings in countries with a small financial sector /
Reaching the Millennium Development Goals : Mauritania should care /
Optimal devaluations /
Does child labor always decrease with income? : an evaluation in the context of a development program in Nicaragua /
Credit risk measurement under Basel II : an overview and implementation issues for developing countries /
International migration, human capital, and entrepreneurship : evidence from Philippine migrants' exchange rate shocks /
2008 Annual Review Development Effectiveness : Shared Global Challenges.
Do minimum wages in Latin America and the Caribbean matter? evidence from 19 countries /
Legal knowledge and economic development : the case of land rights in Uganda /
Tariff retaliation versus financial compensation in the enforcement of international trade agreements /
Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfer programs : lessons from Latin America /
Individual attitudes toward corruption : do social effects matter? /
Social sector expenditures and rainy-day funds /
Child growth, shocks, and food aid in rural Ethiopia /
Mexico : two decades of the evolution of education and inequality /
Trade and harmonization : if your institutions are good, does it matter if they are different? /
Production and cost functions and their application to the port sector : a literature survey /
Alternative paths to structural adjustment in Uzbekistan in a three-gap framework /
Income-related biases in international trade : what do trademark registration data tell us? /
The price of inconvertible deposits : the stock market boom during the Argentine crisis /
Using survey data to assess the distributional effects of trade policy /
Labor redundancy, retraining, and outplacement during privatization the experience of Brazil's Federal Railway /
Global logistics indicators, supply chain metrics, and bilateral trade patterns
Elections, special interests, and the fiscal costs of financial crisis
The long-run economic costs of AIDS theory and an application to South Africa /
Democracy, credibility, and clientelism
State bank transformation in Brazil choices and consequences /
African small and medium enterprises, networks, and manufacturing performance
How the quality of institutions affects technological deepening in developing countries /
Financial development, property rights, and growth /
High consumption volatility : the impact of natural disasters? /
Contractual savings or stock market development, which leads? /
Financial regulatory harmonization and the globalization of finance /
Deposit insurance as private club : is Germany a model? /
Trade, growth, and poverty /
A race to the top? : a case study of food safety standards and African exports /
Distinguishing between observationally equivalent theories of crises /
Industrial ownership and environmental performance : evidence from China /
Mexico : in-firm training for the knowledge economy /
Reducing agricultural tariffs versus domestic support : what's more important for developing countries? /
Financial development and dynamic investment behavior : evidence from panel vector autoregression /
Initial conditions and incentives for Arab economic integration : can the European Community's success be emulated? /
The effects of a fee-waiver program on health care utilization among the poor : evidence from Armenia /
The regulation and supervision of banks around the world : a new database /
Social polarization, political institutions, and country creditworthiness /
Ex-ante evaluation of conditional cash transfer programs : the case of Bolsa Escola /
The impact of the Indonesian financial crisis on children : data from 100 villages survey /
Banking on foreigners : the behavior of international bank lending to Latin America, 1985-2000 /
International evidence on the value of product and geographic diversity /
From monetary targeting to inflation targeting : lessons from the industrialized countries /
Foreign direct investment and poverty reduction /
Boondoggles and expropriation : rent-seeking and policy distortion when property rights are insecure /
Public versus private ownership : the current state of the debate /
Globalization and workers in developing countries /
An assessment of telecommunications reform in developing countries /
The determinants of government environmental performance : an empirical analysis of Chinese townships /
Growth without governance /
Survey compliance and the distribution of income /
Catastrophe insurance market in the Caribbean Region : market failures and recommendations for public sector interventions /
Maritime transport costs and port efficiency /
Exchange rate appreciations, labor market rigidities, and informality /
Land rental markets as an alternative to government reallocation? : equity and efficiency considerations in the Chinese land tenure system /
Are corruption and taxation really harmful to growth? : firm level evidence /
Evaluating emergency programs /
Evaluation of financial liberalization : a general equilibrium model with constrained occupation choice /
Diversity matters : the economic geography of industry location in India /
Labor market policies and unemployment in Morocco : a quantitative analysis /
Determinants of agricultural growth in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand /
Gender dimensions of child labor and street children in Brazil /
Why is unemployment so high in Bulgaria? /
Creating partnerships for capacity building in developing countries : the experience of the World Bank /
Crime and local inequality in South Africa /
After the big bang? : obstacles to the emergence of the rule of law in post-Communist societies /
Wage differentials and state-private sector employment Choice in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia /
Strategic planning for poverty reduction in Vietnam : progress and challenges for meeting the localized millennium development goals /
Agricultural markets and risks : management of the latter, not the former /
International climate regime beyond 2012 : are quota allocation rules robust to uncertainty? /
Integrating the least developed countries into the world trading system : the current impact of EU preferences under everything but arms /
The insurance industry in Mauritius /
Strategic approaches to science and technology in development /
Reciprocity in free trade agreements /
The impact of bank regulations, concentration, and institutions on bank margins /
Regulation and private sector investment in infrastructure : evidence from Latin America /
Trade, foreign exchange, and energy policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran : reform agenda, economic implications, and impact on the poor /
International cartel enforcement : lessons from the 1990s /
Contractual savings, stock, and asset markets /
Trends in the education sector from 1993-98 /
Measuring aggregate welfare in developing countries : how well do national accounts and surveys agree? /
Does liberté=égalité? : a survey of the empirical links between democracy and inequality /
Telecommunications reform in Côte d'Ivoire /
The unbalanced Uruguay Round outcome the new areas in future WTO negotiations /
Can institutions resolve ethnic conflict? /
Information-based instruments for improved urban management /
Intellectual property rights, licensing, and innovation /
Health and poverty in Guatemala /
Traffic fatalities and economic growth /
Privatization and labor force restructuring around the world /
Telecommunications sector reforms in Senegal /
Financing patterns around the world : the role of institutions /
Decentralized creditor-led corporate restructuring : cross-country experience /
Can reforming global institutions help developing countries share more in the benefits from globalization? /
Is investment in Africa too low or too high? : macro and micro evidence /
Poverty, education, and health in Indonesia : who benefits from public spending? /
Are men benefiting from the new economy? : male economic marginalization in Argentina, Brazil, and Costa Rica /
Trade policy reform and poverty alleviation /
The strategic use and potential demand for an HIV vaccine in Southern Africa /
Financial globalization : unequal blessings /
Road infrastructure concession practice in Europe /
The wage labor market and inequality in Vietnam in the 1990s /
Examining the feasibility of livestock insurance in Mongolia /
Short but not sweet : new evidence on short duration morbidities from India /
Policy options for meeting the millennium development goals in Brazil : can micro-simulations help? /
The impact of minimum wages on employment in a low income country : an evaluation using the difference-in-differences approach /
School attendance and child labor in Ecuador /
Capital flows, country risk, and contagion /
Options for financing lifelong learning /
The impact of contractual savings institutions on securities markets /
Technology, computers, and wages : evidence from a developing economy /
Intersectoral migration in Southeast Asia : evidence from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines /
Refining policy with the poor : local consultations on the draft comprehensive poverty reduction and growth strategy in Vietnam /
Vouchers for basic education in developing countries : a principal-agent perspective /
Agriculture in the Doha Agenda /
Economic growth, inequality, and poverty : findings from a new data set /
Dealing with the coffee crisis in Central America : impacts and strategies /
Vulnerability in consumption, education, and health : evidence from Moldova during the Russian crisis /
Hidden impact? : ex-post evaluation of an anti-poverty program /
Income convergence during the disintegration of the world economy, 1919-39 /
Micro-finance and poverty : evidence using panel data from Bangladesh /
Rural extension services /
Bank competition, financing obstacles, and access to credit /
Fostering community-driven development : what role for the state? /
Finance and income inequality : test of alternative theories /
Just-in-case inventories : a cross-country analysis /
Foreign aid, conditionality, and ghost of the financing gap : a forgotten aspect of the aid debate /
Renegotiation of concession contracts in Latin America /
The social impact of social funds in Jamaica : a mixed-methods analysis of participation, targeting, and collective action in community-driven development /
Financial and legal institutions and firm size /
The epidemiological impact of an HIV vaccine on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Southern India /
Financial intermediation and growth : Chinese style /
Decentralization and public services : the case of immunization /
Malnutrition and poverty in Guatemala /
Institutions, trade, and growth : revisiting the evidence /
Land sales and rental markets in transition : evidence from rural Vietnam /
Does micro-credit empower women? : evidence from Bangladesh /
Scaling up community-driven development : theoretical underpinnings and program design implications /
Child labor, income shocks, and access to credit /
The gender impact of pension reform : a cross-country analysis /
Targeted transfers in poor countries : revisiting the tradeoffs and policy options /
The incentive-compatible design of deposit insurance and bank failure resolution : concepts and country studies /
Poverty and economic growth in Egypt, 1995-2000 /
Do more transparent governments govern better? /
Trade liberalization, firm performance, and labor market outcomes in the developing world : what can we learn from micro-level data? /
Can fiscal rules help reduce macroeconomic volatility in the Latin America and Caribbean Region? /
International migration, remittances, and the brain drain : a study of 24 labor-exporting countries /
Survey techniques to measure and explain corruption /
The mini-integrated macroeconomic model for poverty analysis : a framework for analyzing the unemployment and poverty effects of fiscal and labor market reforms /
Telecommunications reform in Malawi /
Causes and consequences of civil strife : micro-level evidence from Uganda /
Do capital flows respond to risk and return? /
World market integration through the lens of foreign direct investors /
Mine closure and its impact on the community : five years after mine closure in Romania, Russia, and Ukraine /
Avoiding the pitfalls in taxing financial intermediation /
The potential demand for and strategic use of an HIV-1 vaccine in Southern India /
The anatomy of a multiple crisis : why was Argentina special and what can we learn from it? /
Financial dollarization and central bank credibility /
Intertemporal excess burden, bequest motives, and the budget deficit /
Major trade trends in East Asia : what are their implications for regional cooperation and growth? /
Does strict employment protection discourage job creation : evidence from Croatia /
Portfolio preferences of foreign institutional investors /
The Cotonou Agreement and its implications for the regional trade agenda in Eastern and Southern Africa /
Investing in infrastructure : what is needed from 2000 to 2010? /
The emerging project bond market : covenant provisions and credit spreads /
Migration and human capital in Brazil during the 1990s /
U.S. contingent protection against honey imports development aspects and the Doha Round/
Governance and economic growth /
Teaching adults to read better and faster : results from an experiment in Burkina Faso /
More favorable and differential treatment of developing countries : toward a new approach in the World Trade Organization /
Gender, generations, and nonfarm participation /
Governance of communicable disease control services : a case study and lessons from India /
Oil, agriculture, and the public sector : linking intersector dynamics in Ecuador /
Further evidence on the link between finance and growth : an international analysis of community banking and economic performance /
Poverty traps and nonlinear income dynamics with measurement error and individual heterogeneity /
Economic impacts of China's accession to the WTO
Child labor : the role of income variability and access to credit in a cross-section of countries /
The impact of China's WTO accession on East Asia /
International trade and wage discrimination : evidence from East Asia /
Public disclosure of environmental violations in the Republic of Korea /
A multioutput cost function for port terminals : some guidelines for regulation /
Why do people die in earthquakes? : the costs, benefits and institutions of disaster risk reduction in developing countries /
Why is son preference declining in South Korea? the role of development and public policy, and the implications for China and India /
Political institutions, inequality, and agricultural growth : the public expenditure connection /
Public health in India : an overview /
How important are financing constraints? the role of finance in the business environment /
External interventions and the duration of civil wars /
The case for industrial policy : a critical survey /
Lobbying and agricultural trade policy in the United States /
Nonlinear effects of altitude on child growth in Peru : a multilevel analysis /
Strengthening governance through engaged societies : lessons from the implementation of poverty reduction strategies /
The overhang hangover /
Sugar prices, labor income, and poverty in Brazil /
Productivity matters for trade policy : theory and evidence /
Environmental federalism : a panacea or Pandora's box for developing countries? /
Can guest worker schemes reduce illegal migration? /
Two decades of reform : the changing organization dynamics of Chinese industrial firms /
Trade liberalization and the environment in Vietnam /
Rental choice and housing policy realignment in transition : post-privatization challenges in the Europe and Central Asia region /
On defining and measuring the informal sector /
Institution building and growth in transition economies /
Core indicators for determinants and performance of the electricity sector in developing countries /
Regulatory reform : integrating paradigms /
Development strategy, viability, and economic distortions in developing countries /
Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean /
International migration, transfers of norms and home country fertility /
The performance of Bulgarian food markets during reform /
The foreign-born population in the European Union and its contribution to national tax and benefit systems : some insights from recent household survey data /
Stockpiles of obsolete pesticides and cleanup priorities : a methodology and application for Tunisia /
Incidence and impact of land conflict in Uganda /
The dynamics of poverty and its determinants : the case of the northeast of Brazil and its states /
Volatility and Growth /
Industrial structure, appropriate technology and economic growth in less developed countries /
Natural resources and reforms /
Beyond the information technology agreement : harmonization of standards and trade in electronics /
Infrastructure and growth in Africa /
Sea-level rise and storm surges : a comparative analysis of impacts in developing countries /
Does higher openness cause more real exchange rate volatility? /
Zooming in : from aggregate volatility to income distribution /
Environmental determinants of child mortality in rural China : a competing risks approach /
Price effects of preferential market access : / the Caribbean Basin Initiative and the apparel sector /
Coordination failure in foreign aid /
How do agricultural policy restrictions to global trade and welfare differ across commodities? /
Natural disasters and human capital accumulation /
Transforming natural resource wealth into sustained growth and poverty reduction : a conceptual framework for Sub-Saharan African oil exporting countries /
Poverty and income seasonality in Bangladesh /
Does tougher import competition foster product quality upgrading? /
Toward defining and measuring the affordability of public utility services /
Services in Doha : what's on the table? /
Small businesses in South Africa : who outsources tax compliance work and why? /
Natural disasters, self-insurance and human capital investment : evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi /
Fertility response to natural disasters : the case of three high mortality earthquakes /
Local sources of financing for infrastructure in Africa : a cross-country analysis /
Banking on politics /
Natural disasters and the dynamics of intangible assets /
Comparing land reform and land markets in Colombia : / impacts on equity and efficiency /
Institutional reform and the judiciary : which way forward? /
Gender, time use, and models of the household /
Regulating Islamic financial institutions : the nature of the regulated /
Effects of privatization and ownership in transition economies /
Inefficient lobbying, populism, and oligarchy /
Educational expansion : / evidence and interpretation /
The quality of the legal system, firm ownership, and firm size /
Unemployment and worker-firm matching : theory and evidence from East and West Europe /
Main drivers of income inequality in Central European and Baltic countries - some insights from recent household survey data /
Tango with the gringo : the hard peg and real misalignment in argentina /
Structural issues in the Kenyan financial system : improving competition and access /
Month of birth and children's health in India /
On the measurement of market-oriented reforms /
How have the world's poorest fared since the early 1980s? /
Pre-empting protectionism in services : the WTO and outsourcing /
Moving people to deliver services : how can the WTO help? /
Who benefited from trade liberalization in Mexico? : measuring the effects on household welfare /
Efficiency and equity of a marginal tax reform : income, quality, and price elasticities for Mexico /
Location, concentration, and performance of economic activity in Brazil /
Unemployment-poverty trade-offs /
Is there an incipient turnaround in Asia's "missing girls" phenomenon? /
Global distortions to agricultural markets : new indicators of trade and welfare impacts, 1955 to 2007 /
The developing world's bulging (but vulnerable) "middle class" /
The investment climate in 16 Indian states /
Gainers and losers from trade reform in Morocco /
The crisis-resilience of services trade /
Firms, jobs, and employment in Moldova /
Professional services and development : a study of Mozambique /
Wage subsidy and labor market flexibility in South Africa /
Toward a microeconomics of growth /
Is debt replacing equity in regulated privatized infrastructure in developing countries? /
Can student loans improve accessibility to higher education and student performance? : an impact study of the case of SOFES, Mexico /
Orphanhood and the living arrangements of children in Sub-Saharan Africa /
Implications of WTO disciplines for special economic zones in developing countries /
Boosting productivity via innovation and adoption of new technologies : any role for labor market institutions? /
What does political economy tell us about economic development and vice versa? /
Pro-poor growth : a primer /
The twin effects of globalization /
Detecting illegal trade practices by analyzing discrepancies in forest products trade statistics : an application to Europe, with a focus on Romania /
The labor market effects of foreign-owned firms /
Conditional cash transfers and the equity-efficiency debate /
Leveling the intra-household playing field : compensation and specialization in child labor allocation /
The increasing selectivity of foreign aid, 1984-2002 /
New tools for studying network industry reforms in developing cuntries : the telecommunications and electricity regulation database /
Development, modernization, and son preference in fertility decisions /
The impact of EU accession on human capital formation : can migration fuel a brain gain? /
Inclusive growth analytics : framework and application /
Market integration and structural transformation in a poor rural economy /
What drives firm productivity growth? /
A review of regulatory instruments to control environmental externalities from the transport sector /
Age at first child : does education delay fertility timing? the case of Kenya /
Assessing the impact of political economy factors on rules of origin under NAFTA /
Trends in household coverage of modern infrastructure services in Africa /
Fungibility and the impact of development assistance : evidence from Vietnam's health sector /
Paying the price for unreliable power supplies : in-house generation of electricity by firms in Africa /
The business of product innovation : international empirical evidence /
Wealth : crucial but not sufficient evidence from Pakistan on economic growth, child labor, and schooling /
(Un)bundling infrastructure procurement : evidence from water supply and sewage projects /
Bank activity and funding strategies : the impact on risk and returns /
Low-income countries' access to private debt markets /
A curse of comparison? : Evidence on reference groups for relative income concerns /
Measuring skilled migration rates : the case of small states /
Toward an understanding of household vulnerability in rural Kenya /
Dynamics of income inequality and welfare in Latvia in the late 1990s /
Foreign informational lobbying can enhance tourism : evidence from the Caribbean /
Modeling services liberalization : the case of Tanzania /
Economic and social impacts of self-help groups in india /
Making regional cooperation work for South Asia's poor /
The relevance of a rules-based maize marketing policy : an experimental case study of Zambia /
The short and longer term potential welfare impact of global commodity inflation in Tanzania /
Can the introduction of a minimum wage in fyr Macedonia decrease the gender wage gap? /
Taxation and capital structure : evidence from a transition economy /
Export surges : the power of a competitive currency /
Trade and employment stylized facts and research findings /
Social health insurance vs. tax-financed health systems : evidence from the OECD /
General trends in competition policy and investment regulation in mandatory defined contribution markets in Latin America /
Intrahousehold inequality and child gender bias in Ethiopia /
Migration and economic mobility in Tanzania : evidence from a tracking survey /
Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty : summary estimates for a dozen West and Central African countries /
Determinants of choice of migration destination /
Trade policy, trade costs, and developing country trade /
Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Mali /
Simulating the impact of geographic targeting on poverty alleviation in Morocco : what are the gains from disaggregation? /
Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood : evidence from a randomized experiment /
How will climate change shift agro-ecological zones and impact African agriculture? /
Comparing the impact of food and energy price shocks on consumers : a social accounting matrix analysis for Ghana /
The 2007 meltdown in structured securitization : searching for lessons, not scapegoats /
In pursuit of balance : randomization in practice in development field experiments /
Promotion with and without learning : effects on student enrollment and dropout behavior /
Market power and the matching of trade credit terms /
Does inflation targeting matter for output growth? : evidence from industrial and emerging economies /
Endowments, location or luck? evaluating the determinants of sub-national growth in decentralized Indonesia /
Does regionalism affect trade liberalization toward non-members? /
Rice prices and poverty in Liberia /
Drivers and obstacles to banking SMEs : the role of competition and the institutional framework /
Are women more credit constrained? experimental evidence on gender and microenterprise returns /
Exploring the links between HIV/AIDS, social capital, and development /
Political alternation as a restraint on investing in influence evidence from the post-communist transition /
Transactional sex as a response to risk in Western Kenya
Timing and duration of exposure in evaluations of social programs /
Comparing constraints to economic stabilization in Macedonia and Slovakia : macro estimates with micro narratives /
Are skills rewarded in Sub-Saharan Africa? : determinants of wages and productivity in the manufacturing sector /
Child labor, school attendance, and indigenous households : Evidence from Mexico /
China and Central and Eastern European countries : regional networks, global supply chain, or international competitors? /
Household investment under violence - the Colombian case /
Mainstreaming climate adaptation into development assistance in Mozambique : institutional barriers and opportunities /
Schooling and labor market impacts of a natural policy experiment /
Job creation and labor reform in Latin America /
Do community-driven development projects enhance social capital? evidence from the Philippines /
Refinements to the probabilistic approach to fiscal sustainability analysis /
The consequences of child labor : evidence from longitudinal data in rural Tanzania /
Referendum, response, and consequences for Sudan : the game between Juba and Khartoum /
The concept of odious debt : some considerations /
Kenya's quest for growth stabilization and reforms - but political stability? /
Macroeconomic stability in developing countries : how much is enough? /
Economic volatility and returns to education in Venezuela : 1992-2002 /
The returns to participation in the nonfarm sector in rural Rwanda /
School meals, educational achievement, and school competition : evidence from a randomized evaluation /
Roads out of poverty? : Assessing the links between aid, public investment, growth, and poverty reduction /
Economic growth, income distribution, and poverty in Poland during transition /
A macroeconomic framework for quantifying growth and poverty reduction strategies in Niger /
Openness, industrialization, and geographic concentration of activities in China /
The structure of lobbying and protection in U.S. agriculture /
Measuring the international mobility of skilled workers (1990-2000) release 1.0 /
Impacts of the Doha development agenda on China : the role of labor markets and complementary education reforms /
Private provision of rural infrastructure services : competing for subsidies /
The role of tropical forests in supporting biodiversity and hydrological integrity : a synoptic overview /
Visible success and invisible failure in post-crisis reform in the Republic of Korea : interplay of the global standards, agents, and local specificity /
Health shocks in China : are the poor and uninsured less protected? /
How substitutable is natural capital? /
Do standards matter for export success? /
Is formal lifelong learning a profitable investment for all of life? how age, education level, and flexibility of provision affect rates of return to adult education in Colombia /
Getting real about inequality : evidence from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru /
Simple model frameworks for explaining inefficiency of the clean development mechanism /
Catastrophe risk pricing : an empirical analysis /
The impact of the business environment on the business creation process /
The better you are the stronger it makes you : evidence on the asymmetric impact of liberalization /
Vocational schooling, labor market outcomes, and college entry /
Progress in participation in tertiary education in India from 1983 to 2004 /
Can maquila booms reduce poverty? : evidence from Honduras /
Endogenous institution formation under a catching-up strategy in developing countries /
Beyond mitigation : potential options for counter-balancing the climatic and environmental consequences of the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases /
Social and governance dimensions of climate change : implications for policy /
The Doha development agenda : what's on the table? /
Optimal pre-merger notification mechanisms : incentives and efficiency of mandatory and voluntary schemes /
Uncivil societies : a theory of sociopolitical change /
Sources of welfare disparities across and within regions of Brazil : evidence from the 2002-03 household budget survey /
Pursuing efficiency while maintaining outreach : bank privatization in Tanzania /
Impacts of land certification on tenure security, investment, and land markets : evidence from Ethiopia /
Innovative firms or innovative owners? determinants of innovation in micro, small, and medium enterprises /
A road to trust /
Aggregate economic shocks, child schooling and child health /
How pro-poor is the selection of seasonal migrant workers from Tonga under New Zealand's recognized Seasonal Employer Program? /
Small enterprise growth and the rural investment climate : evidence from Tanzania /
Gender and asset ownership : a guide to collecting individual-level data /
Cognitive and behavioral challenges in responding to climate change /
Do donors get what they paid for? micro evidence on the fungibility of development project aid /
Quantitative analysis of crisis : crisis identification and causality /
Potential applications of conditional cash transfers for prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa /
Fiscal federalism and regional growth : evidence from the Russian Federation in the 1990s /
Market disequilibria and inflation in Uzbekistan, 1994-2000 /
Assessing the impact of communication costs on international trade /
Military expenditure : threats, aid, and arms races /
Small- and medium-size enterprise financing in Eastern Europe /
Does globalization hurt the poor? /
Never too late to get together again : turning the Czech and Slovak Customs Union into a stepping stone to EU integration /
Wages and Productivity in Mexican Manufacturing /
Nonfarm income, inequality, and poverty in rural Egypt and Jordan /
Federal politics and budget deficits : Evidence from the states of India /
Micro-level estimation of welfare /
Health facility surveys : an introduction /
The impact of property rights on households' investment, risk coping, and policy preferences : evidence from China /
Contractual savings, capital markets and firms' financing choices /
Annuity markets in comparative perspective : do consumers get their money's worth? /
Relative returns to policy reform : evidence from controlled cross-country regressions /
The impact of urban spatial structure on travel demand in the United States /
Ways out of poverty : diffusing best practices and creating capabilities - perspectives on policies for poverty reduction /
Government bonds in domestic and foreign currency : the role of macroeconomic and institutional factors /
Labor effects of adult mortality in Tanzanian households /
Comparing mortgage credit risk policies : an options-based approach /
Trade-related technology diffusion and the dynamics of North-South and South-South integration /
Business cycles, economic crises, and the poor : testing for asymmetric effects /
Financial intermediary development and growth volatility : do intermediaries dampen or magnify shocks? /
Inside the crisis : an empirical analysis of banking systems in distress /
Sector organization, governance, and the inefficiency of African water utilities /
Markups, entry regulation, and trade : does country size matter? /
The political economy of fiscal policy and economic management in oil-exporting countries /
Paying for health care : quantifying fairness, catastrophe, and impoverishment, with applications to Vietnam, 1993-98 /
Foreign direct investment and integration into global production and distribution networks : the case of Poland /
Pricing irrigation water : a literature survey /
Processes, information and accounting gaps in the regulation of Argentina's private railways /
Commodity price uncertainty in developing countries /
Recurrent expenditure requirements of capital projects : estimation for budget purposes /
Voice lessons : local government organizations, social organizations, and the quality of local governance /
Partisan politics and intergovernmental transfers in India /
The changing financial landscape : opportunities and challenges for the Middle East and North Africa /
Trade facilitation and economic development : measuring the impact /
Trade structure and growth /
Productivity growth and product variety : gains from imitation and education /
Consumption, health, gender, and poverty /
Is the emerging nonfarm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam? /
Imports, entry, and competition law as market disciplines /
Explaining liberalization commitments in financial services trade /
Ghost doctors : absenteeism in Bangladeshi health facilities /
The role of occupational pension funds in Mauritius /
Sending farmers back to school : the impact of farmer field schools in Indonesia /
Regional, multilateral, and unilateral trade policies of MERCOSUR for growth and poverty reduction in Brazil /
Who benefits and how much? : how gender affects welfare impacts of a booming textile industry /
Migration, spillovers, and trade diversion : the impact of internationalization on stock market liquidity /
Trade reform in Vietnam : opportunities with emerging challenges /
Regional integration in East Asia : challenges and opportunities--part I : history and institutions /
Trade policy, trade volumes, and plant-level productivity in Colombian manufacturing industries /
The debate on globalization, poverty, and inequality : why measurement matters /
Information diffusion in international markets /
Metropolitan industrial clusters : patterns and processes /
Export profiles of small landlocked countries : a case study focusing on their implications for Lesotho /
The integrated macroeconomic model for poverty analysis : a quantitative macroeconomic framework for the analysis of poverty reduction strategies /
The dynamics of foreign bank ownership : evidence from Hungary /
Poverty in India during the 1990s : a regional perspective /
Policy research on migration and development /
Do bilateral investment treaties attract foreign direct investment? : / only a bit ... and they could bite /
Economic analysis of health care utilization and perceived illness : ethnicity and other factors /
Labor demand and trade reform in Latin America /
The developing world is poorer than we thought, but no less successful in the fight against poverty
Achieving the millennium development goals : / the role of infrastructure /
Direct support to private firms : evidence on effectiveness /
Distributional effects of crises : / the role of financial transfers /
Location decisions and nongovernmental organization motivation : evidence from rural Bangladesh /
The impact of remittances on poverty and inequality in Ghana
Crises, capital controls, and financial integration /
Firms' productive performance and the investment climate in developing economies : an application to MENA manufacturing /
Restoring economic growth in Argentina /
Combining insurance, contingent debt, and self-retention in an optimal corporate risk financing strategy /
Evaluating the impact of infrastructure rehabilitation projects on household welfare in rural Georgia /
Trading market access for competition policy enforcement /
Robustness of subjective welfare analysis in a poor developing country : / Madagascar 2001 /
Groundnut policies, global trade dynamics, and the impact of trade liberalization /
The international finance corporation's MBA survey : how developing country firms rate local business school training /
Does infrastructure reform work for the poor? : a case study on the cities of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia /
Geopolitical interests and preferential access to U.S. markets /
Gifted kids or pushy parents? foreign acquisitions and plant performance in Indonesia /
Services policy reform and economic growth in transition economies, 1990-2004 /
Explaining the Migration of Stocks from Exchanges in Emerging Economies to International Centers /
Das Inspection Panel der Weltbank : Entwicklungspolitische Praktiken zwischen Disruption und Legitimation /
Anti-dumping policies and safeguard measures in the context of Costa Rica's economic liberalization /
Domestic water pricing with household surveys : a study of acceptability and willingness to pay in Chongqing, China /
Unequal alliance the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Philippines /
HG3881.5 .W57 2002 Growth, Distribution and Poverty in Africa : Messages from the 1990s. 2
HG3881.5.W57 A15 1994 50 years is enough : the case against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A15 2005eb 2004 annual review of development effectiveness the World Bank's contributions to poverty reduction. 1