Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG4028.C4 S95 ROI basics for nonfinancial executives / 2
HG4028.C4 T36 2007eb Principles of project and infrastructure finance 1
HG4028.C4 T45 New investment incentives : the investment credit and the new depreciation system / 1
HG4028.C4 T45 1964 Investment policy : a challenge to American management / 1
HG4028.C4 T453 New norms for business capital investment? 1
HG4028.C4 T455 Studies in business investment strategy. 1
HG4028.C4 T46 Studies in business investment strategy. 1
HG4028.C4 T4955 2004eb Investment under uncertainty, coalition spillovers and market evolution in a game theoretic perspective / 1
HG4028.C4 T58 2022 Betting on college : are you leaving money on the table? / 1
HG4028.C4 T73 1996 Real options : managerial flexibility and strategy in resource allocation / 2
HG4028.C4 T73 1996eb Real options : managerial flexibility and strategy in resource allocation / 1
HG4028.C4 U45 Variability of private investment in plant and equipment : materials submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States. 1
HG4028.C4 U5 1954 Regularization of business investment : a conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research. 1
HG4028.C4 U8 Capital-expenditure planning and control / 1
HG4028.C4 V37 Financial planning and management; a budgetary approach
Financial planning and management : a budgetary approach /
HG4028.C4 V46 Venture capital journal ... yearbook. 1
HG4028.C4 W4 Mathematical programming and the analysis of capital budgeting problems. 1
HG4028.C4 W52 Capital budgeting techniques / 2
HG4028.C4 W52 1983 Capital budgeting techniques / 1
HG4028.C45 Redesigning capex strategy : a groundbreaking systems approach to sustainably maximize company cash flow /
Cash Flow Analysis and Forecasting : the Definitive Guide to Understanding and Using Published Cash Flow Data.
Designing flexible cashflows /