Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG8776 .M95 The life insurance business : a selection from talks on various subjects relating to business given from 1954 to 1962. 1
HG8776 .R43 1983 Rebirth of an era : why America will regain economic supremacy. 1
HG8776 .S64 154 messages from Paul Speicher : containing 154 selected messages from a lifetime of inspirational writings / 1
HG8779 .S624 Index to publications of the Society of Actuaries. 1
HG8781 Insurance, biases, discrimination and fairness /
Ruin probabilities smoothness, bounds, supermartingale approach.
Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance : MAF 2018 /
Effective statistical learning methods for actuaries I : GLMs and extensions /
Actuaries' survival guide : navigating the exams as applications of data science /
History of actuarial science.
Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics
Decentralized insurance : technical foundation of business models /
ACTUARIAL LOSS MODELS a concise introduction.
Pandemics : insurance and social protection /
Actuarial principles : lifetables and mortality models /
Principles and Practice of Non Life Insurance.
Actuarial sciences and quantitative finance : ICASQF2016, Cartagena, Colombia, June 2016 /
Modern problems in insurance mathematics /
Modelling in life insurance -- a management perspective /
Computational Probability : the Proceedings of the Actuarial Research Conference on Computational Probability Held at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, on August 28-30, 1975.
A risky business : an actuary's guide to quantifying and managing risk in society /
Statistical foundations of actuarial learning and its applications /
Actuarial sciences and quantitative finance : ICASQF, Bogotá, Colombia, June 2014 /
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance : a Deterministic Approach.
Statistical methods and applications in insurance and finance : CIMPA School, Marrakech and El Kelaa M'gouna, Morocco, April 2013 /
Modelling Longevity Dynamics for Pensions and Annuity Business.
The Cramér-Lundberg model and its variants : a queueing perspective /
Non-life insurance mathematics an introduction with the Poisson process /
Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics.
HG8781 .A25 1986 Actuarial mathematics / 1
HG8781 .A26 1997 Actuarial mathematics / 1
HG8781 .A28 1975 Computational probability : the proceedings of the Actuarial Research Conference on Computational Probability held at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island on August 28-30, 1975 / 1
HG8781 .A35 2005 Actuarial theory for dependent risks measures, orders and models / 1
HG8781 .A83 2000 Ruin probabilities / 1
HG8781 .A83 2010eb Ruin probabilities / 1
HG8781 .B34 Risk theory / 1
HG8781 .B38 The analysis of mortality and other actuarial statistics / 1
HG8781 .B4 Mathematik der Lebensversicherung / 1
HG8781 .B658 2014 Computation and modeling in insurance and finance / 1
HG8781 .B67 2007 Statistical and probabilistic methods in actuarial science / 1
HG8781 .B68 The mathematical theory of insurance : an annotated selection of papers on insurance published 1960-1972 / 1
HG8781 .B68 2019 Actuarial finance : derivatives, quantitative models and risk management / 1
HG8781 .B747 2010 ACTEX P/1 study manual / 1
HG8781 .B76 2009 ACTEX study manual. 1