Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG936 (INTERNET) About mending the coyn
A discourse concerning coining the new money lighter in answer to Mr. Lock's Considerations about raising the value of money /
The summarie of certaine reasons which haue moued the Quenes Maiestie to procede in reformations of her base and course monies, and to reduce them to their values, in sorte as they maye be turned to fine monies, appointed to be declared by her Maiestie, by order of her proclamacion, in her citie of London.
A proposal for amending the silver coins of England and the possibility of it, without any great charge to the nation : demonstrated in two different ways.
A proposal concerning the coin
The merchants mappe of commerce wherein, the universall manner and matter of trade, is compendiously handled ... /
By the King a proclamation declaring at what values certaine moneys of Scotland shalbe currant within England.
A review of the universal remedy for all diseases incident to coin with application to our present circumstances : in a letter to Mr. Locke.
A proclamation for the calling in all moneys of gold and silver coyned or stamped with the cross and harp, and the circumscription, the commonwealth of England and for making the same to be current onely to the first of December next, and no longer.
By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie perceyueth that not withstanding her commaundement lately publyshed for the ceassing of certayne vayne and vntrue reportes touching a decry of monyes.
By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie beyng infourmed, that in some partes of her realme, sundrye either ignoraunt or malicious people do spreade rumours abrode that the base testons of fourpence halfpenye should not be currant after thende of Ianuary next.
Further considerations concerning raising the value of money wherein Mr. Lowndes's arguments for it in his late Report concerning an essay for the amendment of the silver coins, are particularly examined.
Short observations on a printed paper, intituled, For encouraging the coining silver money in England, and after for keeping it here
By the Quene The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandeth, that now of late since the base and copper moneys of this realme haue (to the great honour of the same) bene altered into fine syluer moneys [...] there is rysen great anoyaunce amongst the poore sort of her subiectes, for lacke of small moneys of fine syluer [...]
By the Quene The Quenes Maiestie perceiueth that not withstandyng her commaundment lately publyshed for the ceassyng of certaine vayne and vntrue reportes touchyng a decrye of moneyes.
Sir Thomas Roe his speech in Parliament wherein he sheweth the cause of the decay of coyne and trade in this land, especially of merchants trade, and also propoundeth a vvay to the House, how they may be increased.
A letter humbly offer'd to the consideration of all gentlemen, yeomen, citizens, freeholders, &c. that have right to elect members to serve in Parliament
Some considerations about the raising of coin in a second letter to Mr. Locke.
HG936 .L48 1696 A letter to a gentleman in the country concerning the price of guineas 1
HG936 .M43 2004 Medieval money matters / 1
HG936 .P76 1660 A proposition for the making of farthings, by the royal authority for publick use. 1
HG937 An account of the value of the estates in the several counties subscribed towards the fund for a national land-bank from Thursday the 11th of June, to Saturday the 17th of August, 1695.
By the King a proclamation containing His Maiesties royall pleasure, for the warrant and continuance of the patent, and former proclamation concerning farthing tokens.
Some of the mischiefs arising from the exportation of gold and silver, with the consequences which will follow the continuing of clipping humbly presented to the Parliament of England.
An abstract of the act for remedying the ill state of the coyn of England, enacts, ...
Some considerations about the raising of coin in a second letter to Mr. Locke.
A review of the universal remedy for all diseases incident to coin with application to our present circumstances : in a letter to Mr. Locke.
HG937 .47 The groans of the poor, the misery of traders, and the calamity of the publick : for the spoiling of our money, for the want of our money, and for the loss that will befal the King and the nation if there be not as much money coined in the room of it to pay our taxes, drive our trades, pay our rents and the poor, and to buy bread. And an humble proposal to raise four millions of money for His Majesty's and the nation's use / 1
HG937 .A3 1966 A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money. 1
HG937 .A38 1695 Advice to the merchants and traders of England shewing the mischief of suffering other people to receive their money, and the reasons why they ought to receive it themselves after the tenth of this instant February, 1695 / 1
HG937 .B6 An essay towards carrying on the present war against France and other publick occasions : as also, for paying off all debts contracted in the same or otherwise : and new-coyning of all our moneys ... / 1
HG937 .B74 The following proposals for, and accounts of, a national land-bank having been printed at London its proveable many gentlemen who would have subscribed thereto, by reason of the distance of their dwelling from thence, have had nothing, or had but an imperfect account of it, for informing whom true copies of several of Mr. Brisco's papers are herewith reprinted ..
Reasons humbly offered for the establishment of the National Land-Bank
A discourse on the late funds of the Million-act, and Bank of England shewing that they are injurious to the nobility and gentry, and ruinous to the trade of the nation : together with proposals for the supplying Their Majesties with money on easy terms, exempting the nobility, gentry &c. from taxes, enlarging their yearly estates, and enriching all the subjects in the kingdom ... /
The following proposals for, and accounts of, a national land-bank having been printed at London its proveable many gentlemen who would have subscribed thereto, by reason of the distance of their dwelling from thence, have had nothing, or had but an imperfect account of it, for informing whom true copies of several of Mr. Brisco's papers are herewith reprinted.
Historical and political essays or discourses on several subjects viz. money, government, peace, war, trade, arts, navigation, exchange, usury, banks : with other projects for the improvement and raising the credit of money and trade in all parts of the world, but more particularly, relating to England : in a letter to a noble peer.
To the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled
HG937 B74 An account of the value of the estates in the several counties subscribed towards the fund for a national land-bank from Thursday the 11th of June, to Saturday the 13th of July, 1695. 2
HG937 .C34 2021eb Clipped coins, abused words, and civil government : John Locke's philosophy of money / 1
HG937 .C37 The case of the Provost and Corporation of Moneyers. 1
HG937 .C655 1690x A compleat catalogue of all the books lately printed concerning the coin. Note, the letter A shews those who have wrote for the raising the coin; the letter B the contrary: The * those that have performed extraordinary. 1
HG937 .C67 1690 A speech made by Sir Robert Cotton, Kt and Baron[e]t before the Lords of His Majesty's most honorable Privy-Council, at the council-table being thither called to deliver his opinion touching the alteration of coin Sept. 2. Annoque Regni Regis Caroli II. 1
HG937 .E5 By the King, a proclamation containing His Maiesties royall pleasure, for the warrant and continuance of the patent, and former proclamation concerning farthing tokens 1
HG937 .E5 1631 By the King, a proclamation for the continuing of our farthing tokens of copper, and prohibiting the counterfeiting of them, and the vse of all other 1
HG937 .E53 God save the King a proclamation for reforming sundrie inconveniences touching the coynes of His M. realmes. 1
HG937 .E53 1612 By the King the Kings most excellent Maiestie hauing of late published a proclamation for raising of the prices of his coynes of gold .. 1
HG937 .E53 1613 By the King a proclamation for farthing tokens.
By the King a proclamation against the vttering of light Spanish silver coine.