Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG939.5 .R69 1992 Inflation / 1
HG939.5 .S34 1994 Britain and the sterling area : from devaluation to convertibility in the 1950s / 1
HG939.5 .S343 2010eb The decline of sterling : managing the retreat of an international currency, 1945-1992 / 1
HG939.5 .S746 1996 Politics and the pound : the Conservatives' struggle with sterling / 1
HG939.5 .S75 Sterling and British policy : a political study of an international currency in decline. 1
HG939.5 .S97 vol. 1 Monetary theory and policy / 1
HG939.5 .S97 vol. 2 Financial markets and institutions / 1
HG939.5 .T455 2001 The UK & the euro / 1
HG939.5 .T46 1991 UK monetary policy : the challenge for the 1990s / 1
HG939.5 .T49 1996 The British conservative government and the European exchange rate mechanism, 1979-1994 / 1
HG939.5 .W33 The banks and the monetary system in the UK, 1959-1971 : a banking view of developments from the Radcliffe Report to the monetary reforms of 1971, comprising articles selected from the Midland Bank Review / 1
HG939.5 .W37 2008 Decline to fall : the making of British macro-economic policy and the 1976 IMF crisis / 1
HG939.5 .W4 1969 Monetary circulation in the United Kingdom : a statistical study / 1
HG940 .E5 1618 A declaration of an order for the making of certaine small cases for ballaunces and waightes to weigh all maner of golde coynes currant within the realme prouided to be solde to all persons that shall haue cause to vse the same, which haue bene viewed by the wardens and assistants of the Companie of the Goldsmiths in London here vnder named, limmiting the sundry prices thereof, according to their seuerall quantities .. 1
HG940 .E54 1696 The act for remedying the ill state of the coin of the kingdom, enacts; that the several receivers-general .. 1
HG940 (INTERNET) An aduice Touching the currancie in payment of our English gold. ; As also, a table of the seuerall worths of all pieces vncurrant through want of weight, at His Majesties exchanges at London. Calculated according to the number of graines wanting. Most necessarie for all. That the true value of the vncurrant coyne may bee knowne. 1
HG941 .A38 1627 An aduice Touching the currancie in payment of our English gold. ; As also, a table of the seuerall worths of all pieces vncurrant through want of weight, at His Majesties exchanges at London. Calculated according to the number of graines wanting. Most necessarie for all. That the true value of the vncurrant coyne may bee knowne. 1
HG941 .E54 1695 Reasons humbly offer'd for the making a law to prohibit the exportation of all silver which has been or shall be once melted in England and to prevent the clipping of our money for the future. 1
HG941 .L7 The silver crisis / 1
HG941 .R49 1627 [An aduice]. [Touching the currancie in payment of our English gold. ; As also, a table of the seuerall worths of all pieces vncurrant through want of weight, at His Majesties exchanges at London. Calculated according to the number of graines wanting. Most necessarie for all. That the true value of the vncurrant coyne may bee knowne] 1