Call Number (LC) Title Results
HJ2129 .D3 The development of the Soviet budgetary system / 1
HJ2129 .F60 The 1960 Soviet budget. 1
HJ2129 .H87 1983 The Soviet budget / 1
HJ2130 .B35 1987 Outside Moscow : power, politics, and budgetary policy in the Soviet republics / 1
HJ2130 .U5 1962 The Soviet budget for 1962. 1
HJ2132 Taxes and trust : from coercion to compliance in Poland, Russia and Ukraine / 1
HJ2132 .M38 1931 Budget speech : delivered at the Assembly of the Diet on Dec. 16, 1930 / 1
HJ2136 .G46 1993x Generational accounting in Norway : is the nation overconsuming its petroleum wealth? / 1
HJ2146.5 .C67 2001 Kosovo : macroeconomic issues and fiscal sustainability / 1
HJ2146.5 .C67 2001eb Kosovo : macroeconomic issues and fiscal sustainability / 1
HJ2151 .G87 1991 Budget deficits and economic activity in Asia / 1
HJ2151 .G87 1991eb Budget deficits and economic activity in Asia /
Budget deficits and economic activity in Asia
HJ2152.7 .A43 2013eb Saudi government revenues and expenditures : a financial crisis in the making / 1
HJ2153 .G8 1967 Government budgeting : with special reference to India / 1
HJ2153 .G8 1967a Government budgeting : with special reference to India / 1
HJ2153 .N27 The growth of public expenditure in India, 1872-1968 : a secular and time pattern analysis. 1
HJ2153 .S5 1986 Legislative control over government expenditure / 1
HJ2154.3 .R47 2014 Republic of Iraq Public Expenditure Review : Toward More Efficient Spending for Better Service Delivery. 1
HJ2154.3 .S28 2013 Reconstructing Iraq's budgetary institutions : coalition state building after Saddam / 1
HJ2154.3 .S28 2013eb Reconstructing Iraq's budgetary institutions : coalition statebuilding after Saddam / 1