Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HJ 2279 .T3 | Tax systems - by the Tax Research Foundation ; prepared under the sponsorship of the New York State Tax Commission. | 1 |
HJ2281 (INTERNET) | The larger treatise concerning tithes | 1 |
HJ2287.B7 O54 | Os dízimos eclesiásticos do Brasil : nos períodos da Colônia e do Império. | 1 |
HJ2287.E53 B7 1998 | The idea of property in seventeenth-century England : tithes and the individual / | 1 |
HJ2287.E53 L3 1653 | A letter written to a Christian friend, and one of the Parliament men. Proposing the groundlesness of the plea for tyths, impropriat [sic] tyths, or tyth as a revenue due to the magistrat. | 1 |
HJ2287.E85 L4 1982 |
Tithe and agrarian history from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries : an essay in comparative history / Tithe and Agrarian History from the Fourteenth to the Nineteenth Century : an Essay in Comparative History / |
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HJ2287.F4 G33 1974 | La dîme ecclésiastique en France au 18e siécle / | 1 |
HJ2287.G7 A27 1555 | An acte agaynst the excessiue takynge of the Kynge and the Queenes Maiesties purueyours | 1 |
HJ2287.G7 (INTERNET) | An abstract of a treatise concerning the payment of tythes and oblations in London shewing the antiquitie of those payments according to the rents of houses : that they were payed by positive constitutions, according to the true value of the houses, ever since the yeare 1230 and by antient costome long before : till the quantitie, not the name or nature was altred in time of Henry 8 from 3.s. 6.d. in the pound, to 2. s. 9. d. in the pound as it is now : the liberall maintenance of the clergie of London in former times : the award and Proclamation 25. Henry 8 confirmed by Act of Parliament 27, Hen. 8 : the matters now controverted about double leases, annuall fines, &c. and concerning the jurisdiction ecclesiasticall for tythes of London : a generall survey of the value of the London benefices both as they are now, and also what they might arise unto if tythes were truly payed according to the value of houses : the moderate demands of the clergie, with other matters pertinent to this subject. | 1 |
HJ2287.G72 B37 | The storming and totall routing of tythes wherein is shewed the unlawfullnesse of claiming them by the now pretended tribe of Levy, and both takers and payers therein denying Christ to be come in the flesh / | 2 |
HJ2287.G72 L66 |
Conjectiura circa epinomēn D. Clementis Romani cui subjiciuntur castigationes in epiphanium & petavium de eucharista, de coelibalu clericorum et de orationibus pro vitâ functis / [London] ss [to John Aston and John ... appointed and approved collectors for Grub Street & Hore Street ... in the parish of St. Giles without Cripple Gate] in the [city] aforesaid of the several rates, duties and sums of money, granted to His Majesty King William III by virtue of an act of Parliament made in the sixth and seventh year of His said Majesty's reign, inituted, An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Rates and Duties upon Marriages, Births and Burials, and upon Batchlors and Widowers, for the Terms of Five Years, for Carrying on the War against France with Vigour. [London] ss [to John Aston and John ... appointed and approved collectors for Grub Street & Hore Street ... in the parish of St. Giles without Cripple Gate] in the [city] aforesaid of the several rates, duties and sums of money, granted to His Majesty King William III by virtue of an act of Parliament made in the sixth and seventh year of His said Majesty's reign, inituted, An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Rates and Duties upon Marriages, Births and Burials, and upon Batchlors and Widowers, for the Terms of Five Years, for Carrying on the War against France with Vigour. |
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HJ2287.G73 E9 1976 | The contentious tithe : the tithe problem and English agriculture, 1750-1850 / | 1 |
HJ2287.G74 K35 1985 | The tithe surveys of England and Wales / | 1 |
HJ2287.I742 S566 1988 | Studies in the genesis and early development of the caliphal taxation system : with special references to circumstances in the Arab Peninsula, Egypt and Palestine / | 1 |
HJ2287.I8 B6 | Tithes and parishes in medieval Italy : the historical roots of a modern problem. | 1 |
HJ2287.I8 B9 1655 | By virtue of the power and instructions to us given (from the Commissioners General of the Revenue) for setting of tithes, &c. in the counties of Meath and Lowth we do hereby sett unto [blank] the great tythes of the [blank] consisting of [blank] for this present harvest ... dated at [blank] this [blank] day of [blank] 1655. | 1 |
HJ2287.I8 L54 2005 | Liguria maritima / | 1 |
HJ2287.S36 | Lease of the tythes in question by David Bishop of Aberdeen, to John Gordon, and Margaret his wife, for their lives, and to John their son, for three nineteen years, dated the 12th of April 1585 | 1 |
HJ2300 .D57 1644 | Directions of the committee appointed for the taking of the accompts of the whole kingdom, to the sub-committee for the [blank] for the better ordering and expediting the accompts to be by them taken. | 1 |
HJ2305 |
Contemporary issues in taxation research / Transfer pricing handbook : guidance on the OECD regulations / Taxation history, theory, law and administration / Taxation in crisis : tax policy and the quest for economic growth / THREE ESSAYS ON TAXATION IN SIMPLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELS. Tax audit and taxation in the paradigm of sustainable development : the impact on economic, social and environmental development / Advances in taxation. Addressing base erosion and profit shifting (Russian version) / Revenue operations : a new way to align sales & marketing, monetize data, and ignite growth / Taxation, international cooperation and the 2030 sustainable development agenda ROUTLEDGE LIBRARY EDITIONS taxation. Tax Compliance and Risk Management : Perspectives From Central and Eastern Europe / Transfer pricing handbook guidance on the OECD regulations / Tax politics in Eastern Europe : globalization, regional integration, and the democratic compromise / Taxation : philosophical perspectives / The definitive guide to taxes for indie game developers / Global tax fairness / Optimization of the Taxation System : Preconditions, Tendencies and Perspectives / The complexity of tax simplification : experiences from around the world / |
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