Call Number (LC) Title Results
HJ2379 .A4 1942d Revenue revision of 1942. : Hearings before the Committee on ways and means, House of representatives, Seventy-seventh Congress, second session, on revenue revision of 1942. 1
HJ2379 .A4 1943d Revenue revision of 1943. : Hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Seventy-eight Congress, first session, on revenue revision of 1943. Revised. October 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20, 1943. 1
HJ2379 .B6 1917 A treatise on federal taxes, including those imposed by the War tax act of Congress of 1917, the Income tax law as amended, and other United States internal revenue acts now in force, with commentaries and explanations, references to the rulings and regulations of the Treasury department and pertinent decisions of the courts, 1
HJ2379 .C66 Economic consequences of recent American tax policy / 1
HJ2379 .K8 Why taxes? : What they buy for us / 1
HJ2379 .M35 Lectures on taxation, 1
HJ2379 .M4 Taxation : the people's business / 1
HJ2379 .N2 1919 Digest of revenue act of 1918 for income and excess profits taxes : with tables for calculation of tax and chart of war excess profits tax zones. 1
HJ2379 .N34 1918 Federal revenue act of 1918 / 1
HJ2379 .N4 Federal and state tax systems, 1930 / 1
HJ2379 .P8 The war revenue law of 1917 approved Oct. 3, 1917 ; the full text of the law with an authoritative analysis and exposition of its provisions; tables illustrating graphically the application to various cases, and explanation of the relation of pre-existing laws to the present act. Indexed by titles. 1
HJ2379 .U66 The tax racket : what we pay to be governed / 1
HJ2381 The ideologies of taxation
Revolt of the haves : taxpayer revolts and the politics of austerity /
The rich, the poor, and the taxes they pay
The structure and reform of the U.S. tax system /
Exploring tax policy to advance population health, health equity, and economic prosperity : proceedings of a workshop /
HJ2381 .A25 1973C General tax reform (testimony from administration and public witnesses) Public hearings...Ninety-Third Congress, first session.. 1
HJ2381 .A47 Intergovernmental cooperation in tax administration : some principles and possibilities ; a commission report. 1
HJ2381 .A48 Tax overlapping in the United States, 1964. 1
HJ2381 .A5233 1961 Digest of testimony presented and statements submitted to the Committee on Ways and Means with respect to the President's tax recommendations / 1
HJ2381 .A524 1952 Federal tax changes and estimated revenue losses under present law. / 1
HJ2381 .A524 1959 The Federal revenue system: facts and problems, 1959 : materials assembled by the committee staff. 1
HJ2381 .A524 1961 The Federal revenue system : facts and problems, 1961 / 1