Call Number (LC) Title Results
HJ2603 .E7 Estimate of the Small Branches P[er] Annum 1
HJ2603 .G4 1695 The generall account for the year 1695
The generall accompt for the year 1695
The Generall Accompt For the year 1695
HJ2603 .G7 1695 The gross produce draw-backs, & charge of managem[en]t with the neat produce of the following branches of the revenue for the 7 last years 1
HJ2603 .H5 1687 His Majesties Revenue for the year ended at Michas 1687 To Neat Receipts (over & aboue w. payd for Managemt.) as by ye severall Certificates thereof
His Majesties Revenue for the year ended at Mĩchas 1687 To Neat Receipts over & above wt. pd. for Managemt. as by ye sev.ll Certificates thereof
HJ2603 (INTERNET) The case of shipmony briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of law, policie, and conscience and most humbly presented to the censure and correction of the High Court of Parliament, Nov. 3. 1640.
A retrospect into the Kings certain revenue annexed to the crown under the survey of His Majesties court exchequer : with the proceedings upon two sevral petitions presented to His Majesty, concerning the chauntry rents, &c. and the first fruits, and tenths of the clergy ... /
Taxes no charge in a letter from a gentleman, to a person of quality, shewing the nature, use, and benefit of taxes in this kingdom, and compared with the impositions of foreign states : together with their improvement of trade in time of war.
Restauranda, or, The necessity of publick repairs, by setling of a certain and royal yearly revenue for the king or the way to a well-being for the king and his people, proposed by the establishing of a fitting reveue for him, and enacting some necessary and wholesome laws for the people.
An essay upon taxes, calculated for the present juncture of affairs in England
An additional appendix to Aurum reginæ making some further discoveries of the antiquity, legality, quiddity, quantity, quality of this royal duty, of the oblations, fines from which it ariseth, as well in Ireland as England, the process by, the lands, chattels out of which it is levyed, and that the unlevyed arears thereof at the Queen-consorts death, of right accrue to the king and none other, by his royal prerogative, and ought to be levyed for his use by the laws of the realm /
HJ2603 .J35 Naufragia publicanorum esse nec jus permittit, nec ratio : thesis nupèr in Academia Cantabrigiensi, ad æquitatem Juris civilis Romanorum adstructa, adversus raptores hodiernos : aucta denuo, & asserta ad aures licentiatorum, in jure Angliæ communi, sive municipali : accessit brevissimà exegesis juris repræsaliarum /
Naufragia publicanorum esse nec jus permittit, nec ratio : thesis nupèr in Academia Cantabrigiensi, ad æquitatem Juris civilis Romanorum adstructa, adversus̀ raptores hodiernos : aucta denuo, & asserta ad aures licentiatorum, in jure Angliæ communi, sive municipali : accessit brevissimà exegesis juris repræsaliarum /
HJ2603.L6 E7 1697 13th December 1697. An estimate of the deficiencyes of the last yeares aydes 1
HJ2603 .M3 The managem[en]t of the duty of excise on liquors, being a full imployment for the comm[issione]rs, and all the officers therein concern'd; and being no otherwise improvable, than by their utmost attention, and constant application thereto; it cannot but be prejudicial to this revenue, to load the managers therof with any business foreign thereto. 1
HJ2603 .M33 The English peasantry and the demands of the crown, 1294-1341 / 1
HJ2603 .N43 1694 Suppose for the year 1695. Wanting five or six millions. 1
HJ2603 .P7 Proposals humbly offered to ye consideration of the hon[ora]ble House of Commons as a most effectual means to raise His Maj[es]ty great & vast sum[me]s, to enrich ye nation, empoverish our enemies, and supply our present want of money 1
HJ2603 .R4 Revenue Dr't. observations &c of comm[itte]es appointed by Act of Parliam[en]t to state the incomes & issues
Expend[arum?] p[er] ann[um]
HJ2603 .R4 1691 Received in the Year from Micha[elma]s 1690 to Micha[elma]s 1691 1
HJ2603 .R46 The Report of the royal commission of 1552 / 1
HJ2603 .R5 1701 Letter Mr Richardson concerning Mr. S. offering to bribe him 17 sept 1701. For John Baber Esq. in York buildings. 1
HJ2603 .S26 2004 Taxation under the early Tudors, 1485-1547 / 1
HJ2603 .S26 2004eb Taxation under the early Tudors, 1485-1547 1
HJ2603 .S33 Proposals for a water-tax, yearly to be raised to make good the funds; / 1
HJ2603 .S4 1694 Severall interrogations on the revenue ariseing from the customes & excise inwards & outwards w[i]th the drawbacks on deventures certificates of damages & portage bills w[hi]ch are specified in the undermentioned particulars .. 1
HJ2603 .S74 1733i An historical account of all taxes, under what denomination soever from the conquest to the death of K. George the First, collected from the best historians, as well ancient as modern ; likewise from many valuable manuscripts in the Cotton and other libraries, and several offices in this kingdom : shewing when the Crown was supply'd, and impositions laid on the people, only by virtue of the King's prerogative, at what times the House of Lords alone has done the same, and when reduc'd to the parliamentary method now eslablish'd : the whole intermix'd with divers remarkable occurrences, and a considerable number of particulars which never before appear'd in print / 1