Call Number (LC) Title Results
HJ4165 .L37 1982 Land value taxation : the Progress and poverty centenary / 1
HJ4165 .L375 2009 Land value taxation : theory, evidence, and practice / 1
HJ4165 .L375 2009eb Land value taxation : theory, evidence, and practice / 1
HJ4165 .M33 2005 Land value taxation : an applied analysis / 1
HJ4165 .O7 Taxation of land values as it affects landowners and others / 1
HJ4165 .P76 Property tax preferences for agricultural land / 2
HJ4165 .R39 1961i Property taxation and urban development effects of the property tax on city growth and change / 1
HJ4165 .T3 Taxation of land, &c. : Papers bearing on land taxes and on income tax, &c., in certain foreign countries, and on the working of taxation of site values in certain cities of the United States and in British colonies, together with extracts relative to land taxation and land valuation from reports of royal commissions and parliamentary committees. [First and second series] / 1
HJ4165 .T3 1966 Tax implications in exchanging / 1
HJ4165 .T33 The Taxation of urban property in less developed countries / 2
HJ4165.5 Computer assisted mass appraisal : an international review / 1
HJ4165.5 .M35 1997 Computer assisted mass appraisal : an international review / 1
HJ4165.5 .R4 Reasons humbly offered to the Parliament, why the county of Middlesex should be abated, and not increased to any future supply granted to His Majesty. 1
HJ4167 .K713 Systems of forest taxation and tax impact upon private forestry in several European countries = (Die systeme der Waldbesteuerung und die steuerliche Belastung privater Forstbetriebe in einigen europäischen Ländern) / 1
HJ4167 .O7 Taxation and conservation of privately owned timber : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Oregon, January 17, 18, 1959. 1
HJ4169 .C64 Colorado coal severance tax rates. 1
HJ4169 .C66 Taxation of mineral resources / 1
HJ4169 .E9 1993 Extractive industries : a global survey of taxation / 1
HJ4169 .U6 1920 Manual for the oil and gas industry under the Revenue Act of 1918 / 1
HJ4179 .L4 An analysis of the potential effects of a movement toward a land value based property tax : case study of a possible application of Public law 299, Pennsylvania 1951, to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania / 1