Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HJ6891 .V5 1696 | A view of the market-towns with the habitations of the collectors of the dutys on glass, pipes, and earthenwares in the district appointed to the survey of J.B.[?] in order to represent the delays & disadvantages which the tax on the present stocks of paper & parchm[en]t is obnoxious to by being assessed & levied by the coll[ecto]rs of those other dutys. | 1 |
HJ6891 .W5 | With power to them to impose and exact such customs and other duties upon and from themselves and other tradeing with and coming to the said plantac[i]ons cities towns places & ports and harbours thereof as the company shall think needfull for the maintainence & other public uses of the same ... | 1 |
HJ6892.L58 | Positive action in action : equal opportunities and declining opportunities on Merseyside / | 1 |
HJ6892.L6 1657 | Chiverton Mayor. Tuesday the eighth day of December 1657. An order of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, against concealing and colouring the goods of aliens and foreyners. | 1 |
HJ6895 .A35 1657 | The rates of merchandizes that is to say, the subsidy of tonnage, the subsidy of poundage, and the subsidy of woollen clothes or old drapery : as they are rated and agreed on by the Commons House of Parliament, set down and expressed in this book to be paid according to the tenour of the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, from the first day of July, Anno Dom. 1642, during the continuance of the said act. | 1 |
HJ6897 | Problem-centred interviews in sensitive contexts : researching cigarette smugglers and diamond traders / | 1 |
HJ6897 .A4 | Whereas we are informed, that there is brought into the port of London from [ blank ] in the ship or vessel called the [ blank ] whereof [ blank ] is master, [ blank ] of books, marked as in the margent, and specified in a catalogue presented unto us upon the accompt of [ blank ]. These are to certify that in pursuance of act of Parliament in that behalf made, we have appointed [ blank ] or either of them, with one or more of the Company of Stationers ... to be present at the opening thereof, and to view the same .. | 1 |
HJ6897 .S9 | The Substance of the bill against clandestine trade which concerns merchants. | 1 |
HJ6899.A55 | By the Lord Deputie and Councell. A proclamation concerning the officers of the custome-house. : Henry Falkland. | 1 |
HJ6899.Z5 R62 1993 | Custom House people / | 1 |
HJ6911 .A934 1911 | L'assimilation douanière dans les rapports de la France et de ses colonies / | 1 |
HJ6957.A55 C56 2022 | Tax by design for the Netherlands / | 1 |
HJ6981 | The state as master : gender, state formation and commercialisation in urban Sweden, 1650-1780 / | 2 |
HJ6985.Z5 | El Delito de Contrabando | 2 |
HJ7015 | Forging transnational belonging through informal trade : thriving markets in times of crisis / | 2 |
HJ7033.5.Z5 M37 2016 | Margins of the market : trafficking and capitalism across the Arabian Sea / | 2 |
HJ7049.8 .A85 2013eb | An atlas of trafficking in southeast Asia : the illegal trade in arms, drugs, people, counterfeit goods and natural resources in mainland southeast Asia / | 1 |
HJ7049.8.Z5 T34 2005eb |
Secret trades, porous borders : smuggling and states along a Southeast Asian frontier, 1865-1915 / Secret Trades, Porous Borders : Smuggling and States Along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1865-1915. / |
2 |
HJ7071 | The Chinese journals of L.K. Little, 1943-1954 : an eyewitness account of war and revolution / | 1 |
HJ7071.A3 | Robert Hart and China's early modernization his journals, 1863-1866 / | 1 |