Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HJ9438.Y6 Y67 | York City chamberlains' account rolls, 1396-1500 / | 1 |
HJ9442.3 S4 1643 | Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, to our lovits, [blank] messengers, our Sheriffes in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitute, greeting. Forasmeikle as in the Act of Convention ... shall be uplifted by way of loane out of the severall Sherifdomes and Burrowes of this our kingdome, or supply of our Scots Army in Ireland ... | 1 |
HJ9445.5 .S36 | An order published by the command of the Duke of Schonberg, in the camp at Dundalk, for establishing the rates and prizes of previsions in the army | 2 |
HJ9449 .H86 2000 | Hungary : modernizing the subnational government system / | 1 |
HJ9450.B8 B84 2003 | The Budapest model : a liberal urban policy experiment / | 1 |
HJ9451 | Politické aspekty financování českých měst / | 1 |
HJ9459 .L475 1919 | Des Lois et impôts somptuaires. | 1 |
HJ9460.O3 G2 | La suppression de l'octroi / | 1 |
HJ9470.D41 I8 | Les finances de la commune de Douai des origines au XVe siècle / | 1 |
HJ9470.L55 S26 2012 | La Chambre des comptes de Lille de 1386 à 1419 : essor, organisation et fonctionnement d'une institution princière / | 1 |
HJ9473 |
Kommunales Beteiligungsmanagement und -controlling / Probleme der Kommunalfinanzen. |
3 |
HJ9473 .N4 | Central and local finance in Germany and England / | 1 |
HJ9493 .A6 B39 | Der haushalt der stadt Zerbst, 1460 bis 1510 dargestellt nach den handbuchern des rates der stadt Zerbst. | 1 |
HJ9493 .H23 H2 M67 | Zur Struktur des Haushalts der Stadt Hamburg im Mittelalter. | 1 |
HJ9494.L86 R36 1987 | Der Basishaushalt der Stadt Lüneburg in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts : zur Struktur der städtischen Finanzen im Spätmittelalter / | 1 |
HJ9497.A3 P33 1986 | Städte und Steuern in der Politik Julians : Untersuchungen zu den Quellen eines Kaiserbildes / | 1 |
HJ9497 .A72 1985 | Fonti per la storia del sistema fiscale urbano (1384-1533) / | 1 |
HJ9499.M6 P64 | La Politica finanziaria dei Visconti : documenti / | 1 |
HJ9500.S5 B64 | The finance of the Commune of Siena, 1287-1355 / | 1 |
HJ9500.V46 D44 1986 | Venezia e la terraferma dopo la guerra di Cambrai : fiscalità e amministrazione (1515-1530) / | 1 |