Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HM1121 .T54 2002 | Stories, identities, and political change / | 1 |
HM1121 .T56 2001 |
Managing intercultural conflict effectively / Managing intercultural conflict effectively |
3 |
HM1121 .V35 2013eb | Attracted to conflict : dynamic foundations of destructive social relations / | 1 |
HM1121 .W34 2000 | Theorizing the standoff : contingency in action / | 1 |
HM1121 .W34 2000eb | Theorizing the standoff : contingency in action / | 2 |
HM1121 .W48 2001 | The fratricidal global village : the theory of hypertrophic group formation / | 1 |
HM1121 .W55 2003 | The wars within : peoples and states in conflict / | 1 |
HM1121 ebook |
Y, ¿cómo olvidar? : cómo roban los ricos a los pobres : ¡conciencia de la humanidad! / El rencor de clase media alta y el fin de una era / Ciudadanía, violencia y cultura / Dimensiones del conflicto : resistencia, violencia y policía en el mundo urbano / Sociología de la violencia : identidad, modernidad, poder / La dignidad, última trinchera / La lucha de clases : una historia política y filosófica / |
7 |
HM1126 |
The conflict resolution toolbox : models & maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict / Risk and Uncertainty : Understanding and Dialogue in the 21st Century / The mediation process : practical strategies for resolving conflict / Psychologically informed mediation : studies in conflict and resolution / Mediation Theory and Practice Conflict mediation in the Arab world / Security and Conflict Transformation. Peace in Turkey 2023 : the question of human security and conflict transformation / Facilitating breakthrough : how to remove obstacles, bridge differences, and move forward together / Holding the calm : the secret to resolving conflict and diffusing tension / Facilitating breakthrough how to remove obstacles, bridge differences, and move forward together / Universities and conflict : the role of higher education in peacebuilding and resistance / Conflict, Culture and Communication. Anthropologie der Konflikte : Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische Thesen in der Diskussion / Truth, justice and reconciliation in Colombia : transitioning from violence / Conflict management style preferences : a study using inferential statistics / Intercultural mediation and conflict management training : a guide for professionals and academics / The handbook of conflict resolution : theory and practice / The Mediator's Handbook : Revised & Expanded Fourth Edition. Out of the spiral of conflict : our conflicts -- and how we solve them / The sociology of everyday life peacebuilding A new conflict-resolution model to advance DEI / Conflict in India and China's contested borderlands : a comparative study / The secret to getting along (and why it's easier than you think) : 3 steps to life-changing conflict resolution / The essential workplace conflict handbook : a quick and handy resource for any manager, team leader, HR professional, or anyone who wants to resolve disputes and increase productivity / Mediators in the leading role -- understanding and actively managing mediation Conflict and collaboration : for better or worse / The Nagorno-Karabakh deadlock : insights from successful conflict settlements / Conflict transformation and religion : essays on faith, power, and relationship / The Nile development game : tug-of-war or benefits for all? / Civil wars in South Asia state, sovereignty, development / Talking it out : stories in negotiating human relations / Identity, reconciliation and transitional justice : overcoming intractability in divided societies / La mediación como estrategia de resolución de conflictos en ámbitos sociales y educativos / Expanding the Edges of Narrative Inquiry : Research from the Mauro Institute. Mediation : a concept for information and communication sciences / Conflict coaching fundamentals : working with conflict stories / Transition 117 : the magazine of Africa and the diaspora / La mediazione / Soft power on hard problems : strategic influence in irregular warfare. Acting to manage conflict and bullying through evidence-based strategies / Fundamentals of conflict resolution in 60 minutes : techniques and best practices to effectively resolve disputes. Personal conflict management : theory and practice / |
50 |
HM1126 .A27 2022 | Holding the calm : the secret to resolving conflict and defusing tension / | 1 |
HM1126 .A43 2022 | Los enemigos : o cómo sobrevivir al odio y aprovechar la enemistad / | 1 |
HM1126 .A53 2008eb | The anatomy of peace : resolving the heart of conflict / | 1 |
HM1126 .A53 2022ab | The anatomy of peace : resolving the heart of conflict / | 1 |
HM1126 .A73 2009 | Creativity and conflict resolution : alternative pathways to peace / | 1 |
HM1126 .A73 2020eb | The anatomy of peace : resolving the heart of conflict / | 1 |
HM1126 .A76 2008 | Armed forces and conflict resolution : sociological perspectives / | 1 |
HM1126 .B368 2013 | Intractable conflicts : socio-psychological foundations and dynamics / | 1 |
HM1126 .B368 2013eb | Intractable conflicts : socio-psychological foundations and dynamics / | 2 |
HM1126 .B38 2019 | Social conflicts and third parties strategies of conflict resolution. | 1 |
HM1126 .B384 2013 | Beyond Individual and Collective Trauma : Intergenerational Transmission, Psychoanalytic Treatment, and the Dynamics of Forgiveness / | 1 |