Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM1231 .B37 1995 Why Britain's police aren't worth a Jewish fingernail by the Right Honourable Gerald Kaufman MP and the leaders of the Anglo-Jewish establishment / 1
HM1231 .B47 2005 Propaganda / 1
HM1231 .B575 2012 Nazi soundscapes : sound, technology and urban space in Germany, 1933-1945 / 1
HM1231 .C37 2022 Convaincre, persuader, manipuler : rhétoriques partisanes à l'épreuve de la propagande (XVe-XVIIIe siècle) / 1
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HM1231 .C49 2004 Letters from Lexington : reflections on propaganda / 1
HM1231 .C665 2023 Edward Conze's The psychology of mass propaganda / 1
HM1231 .C85 2003 Propaganda and mass persuasion : a historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present / 1
HM1231 .C86 2002 The idea of propaganda : a reconstruction / 1
HM1231 .E54 2012 Enemy images in war propaganda / 2
HM1231 .F35 2022eb Propaganda 2.1 : understanding propaganda in the digital age / 1
HM1231 .F44 2020 Feels Good Man / 1
HM1231 .G53 2023 Data duped : how to avoid being hoodwinked by misinformation / 1
HM1231 .J355 2024 Misguided democracy in Malaysia and Indonesia : digital propaganda in Southeast Asia / 1
HM1231 .J46 2006 British propaganda and news media in the cold war / 3
HM1231 .J68 2006 Propaganda and persuasion / 1
HM1231 .K35 2022 Deepfakes : a realistic assessment of potentials, risks, and policy regulation / 1
HM1231 .M37 2002 Propaganda and the ethics of persuasion / 1
HM1231 .M87 2008 The poison chalice : the relationship between culture, language, politics and conflict / 1
HM1231 .N38 2021eb Image control : art, fascism, and the right to resist / 1
HM1231 .N39 Nazi soundscapes : sound, technology and urban space in Germany, 1933-1945 /
Nazi soundscapes sound, technology and urban space in Germany, 1933-1945 /