HM1236 .H86 2004
Human beliefs and values : a cross-cultural sourcebook based on the 1999-2002 values surveys / |
1 |
HM1236 H86 2004eb
Human beliefs and values : a cross-cultural sourcebook based on the 1999-2002 values surveys / |
1 |
HM1236 .J65 2019
Modeling two-stage policymaking processes using a zero-inflated Poisson model / |
1 |
HM1236 .J66 2010eb
What people believe when they say that people believe : folk sociology and the nature of group intentions / |
1 |
HM1236 .L48 2001
Constructing public opinion : how political elites do what they like and why we seem to go along with it / |
2 |
HM1236 .L689 1919i
Public opinion and popular government |
1 |
HM1236 .L689 1926i
Public opinion and popular government |
1 |
HM1236 .M43 2007
Measuring attitudes cross-nationally : lessons from the European Social Survey / |
1 |
HM1236 .M43 2007eb
Measuring attitudes cross-nationally lessons from the European Social Survey / |
1 |
HM1236 .M44 2013eb
In defense of politicians : the expectations trap and its threat to democracy / |
1 |
HM1236 .M555 2017
Can the World be Wrong? : Where Global Public Opinion Says We're Headed / |
1 |
HM1236 .N69 2019
Using a randomized, post-test only, control group survey experiment to explore the effects of celebrity candidate endorsements on voter emotions / |
1 |
HM1236 .O65 2012eb
Opinion polls and the media : reflecting and shaping public opinion / |
1 |
HM1236 .O94 2022
American inequality during COVID-19 : examining disparities and government attitudes using survey research / |
1 |
HM1236 .P37 2016eb
Passions, sympathy and print culture : public opinion and emotional authenticity in eighteenth-century Britain / |
1 |
HM1236 .P6513 2011
Group experiment and other writings : the Frankfurt School on public opinion in postwar Germany / |
1 |
HM1236 .P83 2001
Public opinion and democracy : vox populi-vox Dei? / |
1 |
HM1236 .P83 2004
Public opinion and polling around the world : a historical encyclopedia / |
1 |
HM1236 .P834 2008
Public opinion polling in a globalized world / |
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HM1236 .P84 2004
Public opinion and polling around the world : a historical encyclopedia / |
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