Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM126eb Solidaridad y derechos humanos en tiempos de crisis / 1
HM131 Organizational space and beyond : the significance of Henri Lefebvre for organization studies /
Community, self and identity /
System Effects : Complexity in Political and Social Life.
Advances in Group Processes.
Social Organizations : Interaction Inside, Outside and Between Organizations.
Organization and bureaucracy : an analysis of modern theories /
The Meaning and measurement of social support /
Organizational communication, foundations for human resource development /
A sociological reader on complex organizations /
Organizational design; theory and practice
Modern organizations.
The development of community engagement from infancy to adulthood /
The Comparative Understanding Of Intergroup Relations : a Worldwide Analysis /
Crosscutting social circles : testing a macrostructural theory of intergroup relations /
Organizational Sociology.
Exit, voice, and loyalty responses to decline in firms, organizations, and states /
Looking Backward : a Critical Appraisal of Communitarian Thought.
Socialization and values in Canadian society /
La movilización social.
Constructing the social system /
Sociocybernetics. an actor-oriented social systems approach /
A Theory of Group Structures.
Artificial Social Systems : 4th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, MAAMAW '92 S. Martino al Cimino, Italy, July 29-31, 1992 Selected Papers /
The Limits of Organizational Change.
Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis : elements of the sociology of corporate life /
Institutions in American society : essays in market,political, and social organizations /
Community, a sociological study being an attempt to set out the nature and fundamental laws of social life /
Communication, culture, and organizational processes /
How matter matters : objects, artifacts, and materiality in organization studies /
A practitioner's guide to using child indicators
Ségrégation, normes et discrimination(s) : Sociolinguistique urbaine et migrance.
HM131-134 The international handbook of the demography of race and ethnicity /
Global Age, Migration und Medien. Transnationales Leben gestalten /
HM131 .A22 1991 Effectivity functions in social choice / 1
HM131 .A2313 1993 Why organizations? : how and why people organize / 2
HM131 .A25 1986 Neighbours : the work of Philip Abrams / 1
HM131 .A27 Advances in group processes. 1
HM131 .A27 vol. 20 2003 Power and status / 1
HM131 .A27 vol. 21 2004 Theory and research on human emotions / 1
HM131 .A27 vol. 22 2005 Social identification in groups / 1
HM131 .A27 vol. 23 2006 Social psychology of the workplace / 1
HM131 .A318 1994 Advances in Social Network Analysis : Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 1
HM131 .A318 1994eb Advances in social network analysis research in the social and behavioral sciences / 2
HM131 .A33 A little white lie : institutional divisions of labor and life / 2
HM131 .A34 1990 Agency and organization : towards an organizational theory of society / 2
HM131 .A343 1994 Social organizations interaction inside, outside, and between organizations /
Social organizations : interaction inside, outside and between organizations /
HM131 .A38 Existence, relatedness, and growth : human needs in organizational settings / 1
HM131 .A383 2014eb Advances in group processes / 1
HM131 .A394 1991 Alienation, community, and work / 1
HM131 .A43 1999 Organizations evolving / 1