Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM261 .B33 Measuring public opinion on national priorities : a report on a pilot study / 1
HM261 .B383 1950 Reader in public opinion and communication / 1
HM261 .B383 1966 Reader in public opinion and communication / 1
HM261 .B64 Silent politics: polls and the awareness of public opinion. 1
HM261 .B64 1985 Polls and the awareness of public opinion / 1
HM261 .B69 1988 Polls & surveys : understanding what they tell us / 1
HM261 .B694 1993 The phantom respondents : opinion surveys and political representation / 1
HM261 .B8 1972 How nations see each other : a study in public opinion /
How nations see each other; a study in public opinion
HM261 .C28 Gauging public opinion / 1
HM261 .C282 Hopes and fears of the American people /
Hopes and fears of the American people
HM261 .C285 1991 The opinion connection : polling, politics, and the press / 2
HM261 .C29 The human dimension: experiences in policy research. 1
HM261 .C52 Public opinion : nature, formation, and role. 1
HM261 .C524 Attitude psychology and the study of public opinion / 2
HM261 .C53 Voice of the people : readings in public opinion and propaganda / 1
HM261 .C53 1967 Voice of the people : readings in public opinion and propaganda / 1
HM261 .C63 Attitude change and social influence / 1
HM261 .C63 1964 Attitude change and social influence / 1
HM261 .C66 Communications and public opinion : a Public opinion quarterly reader / 2
HM261 .C663 1977 Public opinion in European socialist systems / 2