Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM291 .A422 2017 Betrayal and betrayers : the sociology of treachery / 1
HM291 .A45 1994 Alienation and social criticism / 1
HM291 .A46 1982 Alienation and anomie revisited / 1
HM291 .A465 1996 Alienation, ethnicity, and postmodernism / 1
HM291 .A47 Alienation in contemporary society : a multidisciplinary examination / 1
HM291 .A472 1981 Alienation, problems of meaning, theory, and method / 2
HM291 .A485 The psychology of rumor / 1
HM291 .A485 1965 The psychology of rumor / 1
HM291 .A487 Alternatives to violence : a stimulus to dialogue / 1
HM291 .A489 The environment and social behavior : privacy, personal space, territory, crowding / 1
HM291 .A4895 1991 Political attitudes over the life span : the Bennington women after fifty years / 1
HM291 .A692 1994 Explaining and arguing : the social organization of accounts / 1
HM291 .A693 1970 On violence / 1
HM291 .A694 1973 Social encounters: readings in social interaction. 1
HM291 .A694 2017 Social encounters : contributions to social interaction / 1
HM291 .A695 1969a Social interaction. 1
HM291 .A749 2017 Social Interaction : Process and Products / 1
HM291 .A8 The sociology of subcultures / 1
HM291 .A84 People space : the making and breaking of human boundaries / 2
HM291 .A87 1985 Attribution : basic issues and applications / 1