Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM494 .E97 2005eb Explorations of the life-world continuing dialogues with Alfred Schutz / 1
HM494.F47 2006 Phenomenological Sociology Insight and Experience in Modern Society : Experience and Insight in Modern Society. 1
HM494 .F47 2006eb Phenomenological sociology insight and experience in modern society / 1
HM494 .H37 2009 Atorakushon no nichijō : odoru kikai to shintai / 1
HM494 .M33 2010eb The status of everyday life : a sociological excavation of the prevailing framework of perception / 1
HM494 .M36 2019 Analysing interview transcripts of a phenomenological study on the cultural immersion experiences of graduate counselling students / 1
HM494 .P47 2013 Le monde social selon Husserl 1
HM494 .R33 2008 History, the human, and the world between
History, the human, and the world between /
HM494 S522 2009eb  
HM494 .S53 2018 Analyzing the consequences of taking life using theocentric phenomenology / 1
HM494 .W35 2018 Interpretive phenomenological analysis : identifying the "relational" in systemic inquiry / 1
HM495 Social dilemmas, institutions, and the evolution of cooperation /
Rational Lives : Norms and Values in Politics and Society.
Is Rational Choice Theory All of Social Science?
HM495 .A445 2009 Challenging institutional analysis and development : the Bloomington school / 1
HM495 .A445 2009eb Challenging institutional analysis and development the Bloomington school / 1
HM495 .A448 2002 Choice theory : a very short introduction / 1
HM495 .A45 1999 Rational choice / 1
HM495 .A46 2003 Rationalizing capitalist democracy : the Cold War origins of rational choice liberalism / 1
HM495 .A64 2022 Commitment and resoluteness in rational choice / 1
HM495 .B67 2010 Consistency, choice, and rationality / 1
HM495 .B67 2010eb Consistency, choice, and rationality /
Consistency, choice, and rationality