Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HM538 .S73 2022 | Using online surveys to capture time-sensitive data in a low-resource setting / | 1 |
HM538 .S78 2015ev | An introduction to survey research methods / | 1 |
HM538 .S84 2007 | Conducting online surveys | 1 |
HM538 .S94 2016eb | Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course / | 2 |
HM538 .T37 2019 | The joys and pains of working with a mailing list : a study using direct marketing and appropriate sampling techniques to gain a successful mailing list / | 1 |
HM538 .T44 2004 | A telescope on society : survey research and social science at the University of Michigan and beyond / | 1 |
HM538 .T44 2004eb | A Telescope on Society : Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond / | 1 |
HM538 .T49 2004 | Using web and paper questionnaires for data-based decision making : from design to interpretation of the results / | 1 |
HM538.T49 2004 | Using Web and Paper Questionnaires for Data-Based Decision Making From Design to Interpretation of the Results. | 1 |
HM538 .T49 2004eb | Using web and paper questionnaires for data-based decision making from design to interpretation of the results / | 1 |
HM538 .T64 2016 | Doing surveys online / | 1 |
HM538 .T64 2022 | How to adapt conventional methodologies to an online format : surveys / | 1 |
HM538 .T67 2017 | Top tips : surveys. | 1 |
HM538 .T68 2013 | The science of Web surveys / | 1 |
HM538 .U53 2020 | Understanding survey methodology : sociological theory and applications / | 1 |
HM538 .U85 2022 | Using social media for online survey recruitment. | 1 |
HM538 .V53 2022 | Conducting research online using surveys : an exploratory survey of mental health social work in Europe / | 1 |
HM538 .W45 2005 | The total survey error approach : a guide to the new science of survey research / | 1 |
HM538 .W54 2019 |
Learn to use the Finite Population Correction (FPC) in Stata with data from the IRCBP Public Services Baseline Survey (2005) / Learn to use box scoring in Stata with data from the Harris Interactive Services Consumers and Privacy Survey (1994) / |
2 |
HM538 .Z43 2022 | Is China a revisionist power? Creating a 10-Year time-series dataset using online political surveys in China / | 1 |