Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HM538 .N55 2022 | Researching children's experiences of parental stalking : challenges in conducting an online survey on a sensitive topic involving children and young people / | 1 |
HM538 .N66 2013eb | Nonresponse in social science surveys : a research agenda / | 1 |
HM538 .O7 2013eb | A companion to survey research / | 1 |
HM538 .O94 2023 | Examining race, class and the U.S. child tax credit using survey experimentation / | 1 |
HM538 .P36 2023 | Lun fang fa : she hui xue diao cha de ben tu shi jian yu sheng hua / | 1 |
HM538 .P38 2019 | Expect the world to mess up your data : surveying the political attitudes and behavior of immigrant groups / | 1 |
HM538 .P63 2022 | On-site versus online data collection techniques when researching satisfaction of spectators of sports events / | 1 |
HM538 .Q53 2022 | Recruiting participants via social media : like, share, block, report / | 1 |
HM538 .R37 2023 | Online data collection via questionnaires : challenges and solutions: / | 1 |
HM538 .R45 2019 |
Learn about using loops in do-files (forvalues) in survey data in Stata with data from the Wellcome Trust Monitor Survey (2009) / Learn about saving results of analysis to Excel using loops and macros using do-files in survey data in Stata with data from the Wellcome Trust Monitor Survey (2009) / Learn about rescaling and transforming variables in survey data in Stata with data from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (2010--12) / Learn about rescaling and transforming variables in survey data in SPSS with data from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (2010--12) / Learn about using macros in do-files in survey data in Stata with data from the Wellcome Trust Monitor Survey (2009) / Learn about using loops in do-files (foreach) in survey data in Stata with data from the Wellcome Trust Monitor Survey (2009) / Learn about preparing data for analysis using do-files in survey data in Stata with data from the Wellcome Trust Monitor Survey (2009) / |
7 |
HM538 .R47 2020 | Researching fitness sector customers using surveys & structural equation modeling. | 1 |
HM538 .R84 2018 | 100 questions (and answers) about survey research | 1 |
HM538 .R86 2022 | Running an online survey with young people : ethical challenges. | 1 |
HM538 .S24 2021 | Surveywonders / | 1 |
HM538 .S36 2019 |
Learn to use Bartlett's test of homogeneity of variances in R with data from the General Social Survey (2016-17) / Learn to use the Levene's test in R with data from the Living Costs and Food Survey (teaching dataset) (2013) / Learn to use the Cramér's V test in R with data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Teaching Dataset) (2015) / Learn to use the F-test to compare two variances in R with data from the General Social Survey (2016) / Learn to use the Cramér's V test in Stata with data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Teaching Dataset) (2015) / Learn to use Bartlett's test of homogeneity of variances in Stata with data from the General Social Survey (2016-17) / Learn to use the eta coefficient test in R with data from the NIOSH Quality of Worklife Survey (2014) / |
7 |
HM538 .S44 2022 | Qualitative online surveys : lessons learned from COVID-19 / | 1 |
HM538 .S53 2022 | Lessons in quantitative and qualitative data collection using online surveys / | 1 |
HM538 .S63 2011 | Social and behavioral research and the internet : advances in applied methods and research strategies / | 1 |
HM538 .S63 2011eb | Social and behavioral research and the internet : advances in applied methods and research strategies / | 1 |
HM538 .S63 2023 | Researching tenant activism by using an uncommon method : the online written interview / | 1 |