Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HM621 ǂb .C85 1993eb | ||
HM621 eBook |
Homo sampler : tiempo y consumo en la era afterpop / Las culturas fracasadas : el talento y la estupidez de las sociedades / |
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HM621 ebook |
Reflexiones desde la comunicación : 12 años de investigación del grupo Rastro Urbano / Animación sociocultural : reflexiones y escenarios posibles para la transformación social / Teoría y análisis de la cultura. La polémica sobre la cultura de masas en el periodo de entreguerras : una antología crítica / El meme egoísta / Ética de la apropiación cultural Los nuevos escenarios de la cultura en la era digital. Memoria colectiva y culturas del recuerdo : estudio introductorio / Crítica de la cultura y sociedad. La cultura en el mundo de la modernidad líquida Culturas virtuales Democracia, conocimiento y cultura / Bourdieu en la periferia : capital simbólico y campo cultural en América Latina / Modelos culturales teoría sociopolítica de la cultura / El Atlántico como frontera : mediaciones culturales entre Cuba y España / La apuesta invisible : cultura, globalización y crítica social / La práctica de la teoría elementos para una crítica de la cultura contemporánea / El occidente globalizado : un debate sobre la cultura planetaria / Interculturalidad y educación desde el Sur : contextos, experiencias y voces / Margaret S. Archer sobre la cultura y socialización en la modernidad tardía / En los límites de lo posible : política, cultura y capitalismo afectivo / El Andar Tierras, Deseos y Memorias : Homenaje a Dieter Ingenschay. Interculturalidad : problemáticas y perspectivas diversas / Cultura y verdad : sobre lo objetivo y lo subjetivo en el arte, la vida y la filosofía / Sociología de la cultura en la era digital : herramientas para el análisis de las dinámicas culturales del siglo XXI / Reflexiones y acercamientos a los modos de ver : construcciones desde la historia cultural / Memoria colectiva e identidad nacional El tiempo y el espacio en el siglo XXI en Colombia : ¿ruptura o continuidad? reflexiones interdisciplinarias sobre cultura y sociedad |
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HM623 |
Praxis. an Exercise in Engaging Cultural Studies The Routledge handbook of cultural discourse studies / Doing CHAT in the wild : from-the-field challenges of a non-dualist methodology / Popular Music Scenes and Cultural Memory Pop Culture and Power : Teaching Media Literacy for Social Justice / The Categories of Dialectical Materialism : Contemporary Soviet Ontology / Between Ideology and Utopia : the Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski / A Guide to Kenya and Northern Tanzania / The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedānta / Hegel's Dialectic / The rise of legal graffiti writing in New York and beyond / Behind the Frontiers of the Real : a Definition of the Fantastic / Culture^2. Theorizing Theory for the Twenty-First Century / Transcultural Encounters in Knowledge Production and Consumption / Early Modern Black Diaspora Studies : a Critical Anthology / The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research STAATSBILDUNG UND LEGITIMATION IM HIMALAYA eine verflechtungsgeschichte des gorkh-staates im... uberlangen 19. jahrhundert. Queering Contemporary Gothic Narrative 1970-2012. Ribbon Culture Charity, Compassion and Public Awareness / The art of civilization : a bourgeois history / Gothic Forensics Criminal Investigative Procedure in Victorian Horror & Mystery / DAS FORMULAR Transnational horror cinema : bodies of excess and the global grotesque / Game theory and minorities in American literature / Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Studies (ICCuS 2023) A companion to popular culture / Lady Gregory and Irish national theatre : art, drama, politics / The dialectic of taste : on the rise and fall of tuscanization and other crises in the aesthetic economy / The public life of Australian multiculturalism : building a diverse nation / Performing Korea. Popular music scenes and cultural memory / Tramas de sociedad : miradas contemporáneas / Landschaft, Performance, Teilhabe : Ländliche Räume in kultureller Bildung und künstlerischer Praxis / Auf dem Weg zu einer Neuen Aufklärung : ein Plädoyer für zukunftsorientierte Geisteswissenschaften / Towards a new enlightenment : the case for future-oriented humanities / Forschendes Lernen in der interkulturellen Germanistik : Herausforderungen, Reflexionen, Lösungen / The Status of Civil Science in Eastern Europe : Proceedings of the Symposium on Science in Eastern Europe, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, September 28-30, 1988 / Learning cultural literacy through creative practices in schools : cultural and multimodal approaches to meaning-making / Die Anatomie des Kollektivs Zu Klaus P. Hansens Kollektivtheorie. The Structure of Chinese Values : Indigenous and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Inside Culture. Gender & pop culture : a text-reader / Cultural studies 50 years on : history, practice and politics / Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology : For the Years 1967-1969. Introducing cultural studies / Narrated communities - narrated realities. Narration as cognitive processing and cultural practice. / Videogames and Postcolonialism : Empire Plays Back / Reframing Critical, Literary, and Cultural Theories : Thought on the Edge / The Post-liberal imagination : political scenes from the American cultural landscape / Hysterical methodologies in the arts rising in revolt / Representing "U" : Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education / Grey Gardens. The task of cultural critique / Soviet Scholasticism / Chinese American literature without borders : gender, genre, and form / Creativity and Academic Activism : Instituting Cultural Studies. Buddhist Studies in Honour of I.B. Horner / Unlocking social theory with popular culture remixing theoretical influencers / Against typological tyranny in archaeology a South American perspective / S.L. Rubinštejn and the Philosophical Foundations of Soviet Psychology / Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison Development and Change of Outlook from the 19th to the 20th Century / Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology : For the Years 1970-1972. Soviet Theory of Knowledge / Short Handbook of Communist Ideology : Synopsis of the 'Osnovy marksizma-leninizma' with complete index / The Philosophical Foundations of Soviet Aesthetics : Theories and Controversies in the Post-War Years / The Problem of Freedom in Marxist Thought : an Analysis of the Treatment of Human Freedom by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Contemporary Soviet Philosophy / National Security Issues of the USSR / Research-Based Art Practices in Southeast Asia The Artist As Producer of Knowledge. Soviet Philosophy : a General Introduction to Contemporary Soviet Thought / The Soviet Critique of Neopositivism : the History and Structure of the Critique of Logical Positivism and Related Doctrines by Soviet Philosophers in the Years 1947-1967 / Russian Philosophical Terminology / Русская Философская Терминология / Russische Philosophische Terminologie / Terminologie Russe de Philosophie / Towards a new enlightenment the case for future-oriented humanities / Two Soviet Studies on Frege / Vladimir Solovyev and Max Scheler: Attempt at a Comparative Interpretation : a Contribution to the History of Phenomenology / Auf dem Weg zu einer Neuen Aufklärung : ein Plädoyer für zukunftsorientierte Geisteswissenschaften / Contemporary Turkey at a Glance Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local and Translocal Dynamics / Philosophy in the Soviet Union : a Survey of the Mid-Sixties / The Dogmatic Principles of Soviet Philosophy [as of 1958] : Synopsis of the 'Osnovy Marksistskoj Filosofii' with complete index / Teaching Race and Anti-Racism in Contemporary America : Adding Context to Colorblindness. Concurrences in Postcolonial Research : Perspectives, Methodologies, and Engagements. Cultural studies 1983 : a theoretical history / Why cultural studies? / Philosophy and Ideology : the Development of Philosophy and Marxism-Leninism in Poland Since the Second World War / Cultural Studies : Theorizing politics, politicizing theory / Cultural Governance Legitimation und Steuerung in den darstellenden Künsten. Studies in Soviet Thought The rhetorical power of popular culture : considering mediated texts / Junge Perspektiven der Türkeiforschung in Deutschland Band 1 / |
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HM623 .A74 2008 | Crítica cultural entre política y poética / | 1 |
HM623 .B356 2021 | Lexicón para el análisis cultural | 1 |
HM623 .B37 2000 | Cultural studies : theory and practice / | 1 |
HM623 .B37 2008 | Cultural studies : theory and practice / | 1 |
HM623 .B37 2016 | Cultural studies : theory and practice / | 1 |
HM623 .B373 2002 |
Making sense of cultural studies : central problems and critical debates / Making sense of cultural studies central problems and critical debates / |
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HM623 .B374 2004 | The Sage dictionary of cultural studies / | 1 |
HM623 .B374 2004eb | The Sage dictionary of cultural studies / | 1 |
HM623 .B46 2010 |
The cultural theorist's book of quotations / The Cultural Theorist's Book of Quotations. |
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HM623 .B47 2002 | Beyond modernism and postmodernism : essays on the politics of culture / | 1 |
HM623.B47 2002eb | Beyond Modernism and Postmodernism : Essays on the Politics of Culture. | 1 |
HM623 .B47 2016 | The cultural theorist's book of quotations | 1 |
HM623.B55 2001 HM623.C65 2001 HM623.B55 | A Companion to Cultural Studies. | 1 |
HM623 .B69 2008 | Deconstructing popular culture / | 1 |
HM623 .C35 2009 | Canadian cultural studies : a reader / | 1 |
HM623 .C37 2016 | Collectivities : politics at the intersections of disciplines / | 1 |