HM851 .O34 2018
Datsu kindai sengen = Datsukindai sengen / |
1 |
HM851 .O367 2018
Nippon 2021-2050 : dēta kara kōsō o umidasu kyōyō to shikōhō / |
1 |
HM851 .O374 2019
How to do nothing : resisting the attention economy / |
3 |
HM851 .O385 2006
| : power, poverty and the digital divide / |
2 |
HM851 .O39 2002eb
Odyssée Internet enjeux sociaux / |
1 |
HM851 .O4 2005
No place to hide / |
1 |
HM851 .O43 2013
Humanizing the web : change and social innovation / |
1 |
HM851 .O458 2016
Formas de Comunicación en el Siglo XXI. |
1 |
HM851 .O547 2008eb
Managing online forums : everything you need to know to create and run successful community discussion boards / |
2 |
HM851 .O548 2009eb
Cyberchiefs : autonomy and authority in online tribes / |
1 |
HM851 .O64 2004
Open architecture as communications policy : preserving Internet freedom in the broadband era / |
1 |
HM851 .O95 2022
How to research activism online / |
1 |
HM851 .O97 2001
Our virtual world : the transformation of work, play and life via technology / |
1 |
HM851 .O97 2001eb
Our virtual world : the transformation of work, play and life via technology / |
3 |
HM851 .O973 2016
Ours to hack and to own : the rise of platform cooperativism, a new vision for the future of work and a fairer internet / |
1 |
HM851 .O98 2009
The Oxford handbook of information and communication technologies |
1 |
HM851 .O985 2013
The Oxford handbook of Internet studies / |
1 |
HM851 .P25 2021eb
Dependent, distracted, bored : affective formations in networked media / |
3 |
HM851 .P33 2021
Digital cultural transformation : building strategic mindsets via digital sociology / |
1 |
HM851 .P34 2008
Born digital : understanding the first generation of digital natives / |
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