Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM876 .L389 2019 Anatomies of revolution / 1
HM876 .L39 2019 Anatomies of revolution / 1
HM876 .L68 2021 Love and revolution in the twentieth-century colonial and postcolonial world : perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa / 1
HM876 .P445 2003 Revolutionary apocalypse : ideological roots of terrorism / 1
HM876 .R44 2008 Revolution in the making of the modern world : social identities, globalization, and modernity / 1
HM876 .R44 2008eb Revolution in the making of the modern world : social identities, globalization, and modernity / 2
HM876 .R448 2021 Revolutionary world : global upheaval in the modern age / 1
HM876 .W64 2021 Worlds of labour turned upside down : revolutions and labour relations in global historical perspective / 1
HM876 ebook Momentos insurreccionales revueltas, algaradas y procesos revolucionarios / 1
HM881 Protest publics : toward a new concept of mass civic action /
Prefigurative democracy : protest, social movements and the political institution of society /
Social movements : a theoretical approach /
The future is now : an introduction to prefigurative politics /
Collective movements and emerging political spaces /
Children as rhetorical advocates in social movements /
Social movements and solidarity structures in crisis-ridden Greece /
Das Ringen um die Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei : Intellektuelle Diskurse, oppositionelle Gruppen und Soziale Bewegungen seit 1980 /
Narratives of identity in social movements, conflicts and change /
Strategien der Moderne : Gesellschaftliche Debatten von den 1920er-Jahren bis zur »Cancel Culture« /
Stillstand in Bewegung? : Kollektives Lernen in sozialen Bewegungen /
The intimate life of dissent : anthropological perspectives /
Handbuch Poststrukturalistische Perspektiven auf soziale Bewegungen : Ansätze, Methoden und Forschungspraxis /
Warum treffen sich soziale Bewegungen? Vom Wert der Begegnung: Interaktionssoziologische Perspektiven auf das Weltsozialforum /
Social movement literature /
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture : Volume 10: Law and Politics.
Zapatismo Beyond Borders New Imaginations of Political Possibility
Media practices, social movements, and performativity : transdisciplinary approaches /
Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19 Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic.
The Oxford handbook of social movements /
Movements for human rights : locally and globally /
Transnationalism from below
The making of a protest movement in Turkey : #Occupygezi /
The POWER OF MORALITY IN MOVEMENTS civic engagement in climate justice, human rights, and democracy.
Social theory and social movements : mutual inspirations /
Creativity and humour in occupy movements : intellectual disobedience in Turkey and beyond /
Sovereignty, War, and the Global State /
Using media for social innovation.
Digital revolutions : activism in the Internet age /
Civil societies and social movements : domestic, transnational, global /
New social movements in the African diaspora challenging global apartheid /
Global cultures of contestation : mobility, sustainability, aesthetics & connectivity /
Collective empowerment in Latin America : indigenous peasant movements and political transformation /
When protest makes policy : how social movements represent disadvantaged groups /
Movimientos ciudadanos y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el caso del 15-M /
Ciudadanías conectadas, sociedades en conflicto : investigaciones sobre medios de comunicación, redes sociales y opinión pública /
Exploring Social Movements : Theories, Experiences, and Trends /
Beyond colonialism, development and globalisation : social movement and critical perspectives /
Social movements : transformative shifts and turning points /
Untapped power : leveraging diversity and inclusion for conflict and development /
Social movements for good: how companies and causes create viral change /
Social mobilisation for housing rights : a qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews /
New media and public activism : neoliberalism, the state and radical protest in the public sphere /
The end of protest : a new playbook for revolution /
Remembering social movements : activism and memory /
Globalizing Civic Engagement : Civil Society and Transnational Action.
Prisms of the people : power and organizing in twenty-first-century America /
Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change /
Movimientos sociales : la estructura de la acción colectiva /
Waves of social movement mobilizations in the twenty-first century : challenges to the neo-liberal world order and democracy /
Transformations of democracy : crisis, protest and legitimation /
Methodological practices in social movement research /
De mayos del 68 a la Cali del 70 ensayos en perspectiva latinoamericana de una decada que transformo al mundo.
Life of an activist : in the frontlines 24/7 /
When protest makes policy how social movements represent disadvantaged groups /
The political aesthetics of global protest : the Arab Spring and beyond /
Protests in the Information Age : Social Movements, Digital Practices and Surveillance /
The social movements reader : cases and concepts /
Advocacy in Conflict : Critical Perspectives on Transnational Activism.
La Question sociale.
New social movements in the African diaspora : challenging global apartheid /
The global left : yesterday, today, tomorrow /
Contentious minds : how talk and ties sustain activism /
Worldwide mobilizations : class struggles and urban commoning /
Movimientos sociales en el siglo XXI : perspectivas y herramientas analíticas /
Las disputas por lo público en América Latina y el Caribe /
The fourth invasion decolonizing histories, extractivism, and Maya resistance in Guatemala /
Understanding social movements /
The global justice movement : cross-national and transnational perspectives /
Culture, Social Movements, and Protest.
Global modernity and social contestation /
Dictatorships & democracies journal of history and culture.
HM881 .A15 2009 1968 in retrospect : history, theory, alterity / 1
HM881 .A27 2000 Activists speak out : reflections on the pursuit of change in America / 2
HM881 .A396 2014 Mobilizing democracy : globalization and citizen protest / 2
HM881 .A397 2019 Social movements : the structure of collective mobilization / 2
HM881 .A43 2017eb Alter-globalization in Southern Europe : anatomy of a social movement / 1
HM881 .A47 2021 Performing media activism in the digital age / 1
HM881 .A76 2013 Arms and the people : popular movements and the military from the Paris Commune to the Arab Spring / 1
HM881 .B496 2016 Beyond NGO-ization the development of social movements in Central and Eastern Europe / 1
HM881 .B53 2004 The Blackwell companion to social movements / 1
HM881 .B53 2004eb The Blackwell companion to social movements
The Blackwell companion to social movements /