Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM881 .F76 2016 From silence to protest international perspectives on weakly resourced groups / 1
HM881 .F87 2013 The Future of Social Movement Research : Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes /
The future of social movement research : dynamics, mechanisms, and processes /
HM881 .G34 2022 A beginner's guide to building better worlds : ideas and inspiration from the Zapatistas / 1
HM881 .G37 2020 The purpose of power : how we come together when we fall apart / 1
Your match would be here.
HM881 .G53 2004 Social protest and policy change : ecology, antinuclear, and peace movements in comparative perspective / 1
HM881 .G534 2018 Street citizens : protest politics and social movement activism in the age of globalization / 1
HM881 .G534 2019 Street citizens : protest politics and social movement activism in the age of globalization / 1
HM881 .G54 2020 The global #MeToo movement : how social media propelled a historic movement and the law responded / 1
HM881 .G55 2002 The Global activist's manual : local ways to change the world / 2
HM881 .G5523 2018 Global cultures of contestation : mobility, sustainability, aesthetics & connectivity / 1
HM881 .G5526 2012 Global justice activism and policy reform in Europe understanding when change happens / 1
HM881 .G553 2007 The global justice movement : cross-national and transnational perspectives / 1
HM881 .G558 2005eb Transforming globalization : challenges and opportunities in the post 9/11 era / 1
HM881 .G559 2003 Globalizing civic engagement : civil society and transnational action / 1
HM881 .G559 2003eb Globalizing civic engagement : civil society and transnational action / 1
HM881 .G5596 2004 Globalizing resistance : the state of struggle / 1
HM881 .G56 2001 Globalization and social movements / 1
HM881 .G76 2012 Social movements and the new state : the fate of pro-democracy organizations when democracy is won / 1
HM881 .G76 2012eb Social movements and the new state : the fate of pro-democracy organizations when democracy is won / 1
HM881 .G833 2018 Bharat mein Rajneetik Andolano ka Samkaleen Itihaas : Nagrik Samaj ke baad ki rajneeti / 1