Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN400.M6 A53 2013 Aristocratic vice : the attack on duelling, suicide, adultery, and gambling in eighteenth-century England / 1
HN400.M6 A53 2013eb Aristocratic vice : the attack on duelling, suicide, adultery, and gambling in eighteenth-century England / 2
HN400.M6 B74 1977 Vice and vigilance : purity movements in Britain since 1700 / 1
HN400.M6 C75 1975 Crime, rape, and gin : reflections on contemporary attitudes to violence, pornography, and addiction / 1
HN400.M6 D375 2004 The strange death of moral Britain / 1
HN400.M6 D385 2017 The Strange Death of Moral Britain / 1
HN400.M6 D87 1991 Moral crusades : family and morality in the Thatcher years / 1
HN400.M6 F87 2013 Moral crusades in an age of mistrust the Jimmy Savile scandal / 1
HN400.M6 HN460.M6 Society and Religion in Elizabethan England. 1
HN400.M6 H56 1986 Marriage and morals among the Victorians : essays / 1
HN400.M6 H86 1999 Governing morals : a social history of moral regulation / 1
HN400.M6 J46 1992 Intimate enemies : moral panics in contemporary Great Britain / 1
HN400.M6 M67 2009 Moral panics, the media and the law in early modern England /
Moral panics, the media and the law in early modern England
HN400.M6 N37 2010 Cultures of shame : exploring crime and morality in Britain 1600-1900 / 1
HN400.M6 N37 2010eb Cultures of shame exploring crime and morality in Britain 1600-1900 / 1
HN400.M6 R63 2004 Making English morals : voluntary association and moral reform in England, 1787-1886 / 1
HN400.M6 R64 2008  
HN400.M6 R64 2008eb Criminalising social policy : anti-social behaviour and welfare in a de-civilised society /
Criminalising social policy anti-social behaviour and welfare in a de-civilised society /
HN400.M84 N43 2017 Lived experiences of multiculture : the new social and spatial relations of diversity / 1
HN400.P6 Political parties and the concept of power : a theoretical famework /
Authority, gender and space in the Anglo-Norman world, 900-1200 /