Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN440.R3 S54 2007 The extreme right in France : from Pétain to Le Pen / 1
HN440.R3 S54 2007eb The extreme right in France : from Pétain to Le Pen / 1
HN440.R3 T4613 2020 Radical thought among the young : a survey of French lycée students / 1
HN440.R3 T75 2019 Guy Debord, the Situationist International, and the revolutionary spirit / 2
HN440.R3 V48 2019 Empire's legacy : roots of a far-right affinity in contemporary France / 1
HN440.R3 V48 2020 Empire's legacy : roots of a far-right affinity in contemporary France / 1
HN440.S6 B57 Le peuple et les gros : histoire d'un mythe / 1
HN440.S6 B6513 1987 The making of a class : cadres in French society / 1
HN440.S6 C4813 1994 Social history of France in the nineteenth century / 1
HN440.S6 C64 2010 La nature du peuple : les formes de l'imaginaire social, XVIIIe-XXIe siècles / 1
HN440.S6 G34 1983 Social inequality and class radicalism in France and Britain / 2
HN440.S6 G87713 2019 Twilight of the elites : prosperity, the periphery, and the future of France / 2
HN440.S6 H84 2021 Egalitarian Strangeness : On Class Disturbance and Levelling in Modern and Contemporary French Narrative / 1
HN440.S6 K7413 2002 Revolt, she said / 1
HN440.S6 M37 Class and status in France : economic change and social immobility, 1945-1975 / 2
HN440.S6 P67 1988 Les classes sociales en France : un débat inachevé, 1789-1989 / 1
HN440.S62 T6313 2015 Who is Charlie? : xenophobia and the new middle class / 1
HN440.S65 C438 2008 Chronique d'une ascension sociale : exercice de la parenté chez de grands officiers, XVIe-XVIIe siècles / 1
HN440.S65 J37 2014 Les transclasses, ou la non-reproduction / 1
HN440.V5 The making of the banlieue : an ethnography of space, identity and violence /
Medieval violence : physical brutality in Northern France, 1270-1330 /