Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN440.R3 D43 2010 Enregistrements magnétiques : (1952-1961) / 1
HN440.R3 D433 2001 Guy Debord : la révolution au service de la poésie / 1
HN440.R3 D4332 1999 Correspondance / 1
HN440.R3 D433213 2009 Correspondence : the foundation of the Situationist International (June 1957-August 1960) / 2
HN440.R3 D43413 1991 Panegyric / 1
HN440.R3 D43613 1999 Guy Debord / 1
HN440.R3 D66 2004 (Pour mémoires) : un essai d'élucidation des Mémoires de Guy Debord / 1
HN440.R3 G6413 The origins of modern leftism / 1
HN440.R3 G66 2011eb  
HN440.R3 G66 2012 The resurgence of the radical right in France : from Boulangisme to the Front National / 3
HN440.R3 G75 2021 France's purveyors of hatred : aspects of the French extreme right and its influence, 1918-1945 / 2
HN440.R3 G85 1996 Pour Guy Debord. 1
HN440.R3 H87 2001 The game of war : the life and death of Guy Debord / 1
HN440.R3 K34 2008 The extreme right in interwar France : the Faisceau and the Croix de feu / 1
HN440.R3 K3813 2006 Guy Debord : revolution in the service of poetry / 1
HN 440. R3 K3813 2006  
HN440.R3 K3817 2010 Radicalism in French culture : a sociology of French theory in the 1960s / 1
HN440.R3 K3817 2010eb Radicalism in French culture : a sociology of French theory in the 1960s / 2
HN440.R3 L43 1983 Les militants et leurs étranges organisations / 1
HN440.R3 L68 Radicalism in Mediterranean France: its rise and decline, 1848-1914 /
Radicalism in Mediterranean France: its rise and decline, 1848-1914,