Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN460.E4 HOLOCAUST AND THE GERMAN ELITE genocide and national suicide in germany, 1871-1945. 1
HN460.E4 B38 1981 The holocaust and the German elite : genocide and national suicide in Germany, 1871-1945 / 1
HN460.E4 .D35 2010 The sociology of elite distinction : from theoretical to comparative perspectives / 1
HN460.E4 S65 2014 Economic elites, crises, and democracy : alternatives beyond neoliberal capitalism / 2
HN460.M26 ebook Cabeza de turco : abajo del todo / 1
HN460.M26 G47 2003 Germans or foreigners? : attitudes toward ethnic minorities in post-reunification Germany / 1
HN460.M26 S55 2002 Denn wir sind anders : die Geschichte des Felix S. / 1
HN460.M26 W355 1988 Ganz unten : mit einer Dokumentation der Folgen / 2
HN460.M3 Q33 1989eb Qualitative Medienforschung : Konzepte und Erprobungen / 1
HN460.M6 B5513 Sex and society in Nazi Germany / 1
HN460.M6 G7 Society and religion in Elizabethan England / 1
HN460.M6 S37 2010 Die Schuldfrage : Untersuchungen zur geistigen Situation der Nachkriegszeit / 1
HN460.M84 M27 2011 Manifest der Vielen : Deutschland erfindet sich neu / 1
HN460.N37 S87 1959 Nazism and social change in Germany / 1
HN460.P6 A66 2004 Power and property in medieval Germany : economic and social change, c.900-1300 / 1
HN460.P8 A66 2004 Appell an das Publikum : die öffentliche Debatte in der deutschen Aufklärung 1687-1796 / 1
HN460.P8 G47 The Germans--public opinion polls, 1967-1980 / 1
HN460.P8 K47 1983 Popular opinion and political dissent in the Third Reich, Bavaria 1933-45 / 1
HN460.P8 W44 1991 Die Deutschen : Profil einer Nation / 1
HN460 .R3 Radicalization, Terrorism, and Conflict.
Radicalization, Terrorism, and Conflict