Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HN460.R3 |
The dark social capital of religious radicals Jihadi networks and mobilization in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 1998-2018 / Rechtspopulismus und Hegemonie : Der Aufstieg der SVP und die diskursive Transformation der politischen Schweiz. The dynamics of right-wing extremism within German society : escape into authoritarianism / Randgänge der Neuen Rechten : Philosophie, Minderheiten, Transnationalität / Rechtsradikalismus in Niedersachsen : Akteure, Entwicklungen und lokaler Umgang / Lokal extrem Rechts : Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen / NAZILAND QUELLA MACCHIA NERA NEL CUORE DELL'EUROPA. |
8 |
HN460.R3 A34613 2020 | Aspects of the new right-wing extremism / | 1 |
HN460.R3 A355 2006 | AfrikaBilder : Studien zu Rassismus in Deutschland : Studienausgabe / | 1 |
HN460.R3 B473 2005 | Power and the idealists, or, The passion of Joschka Fischer and its aftermath / | 1 |
HN460.R3 B733 2009 |
Right-wing extremism in contemporary Germany Right-wing extremism in contemporary Germany / |
2 |
HN460.R3 B77 2009 | Weimar radicals : Nazis and communists between authenticity and performance / | 2 |
HN460.R3 C34 2012 | Mobilizing on the extreme right : Germany, Italy, and the United States / | 1 |
HN460.R3 D548 1981 | Die Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands-Sammelbecken militanter Rechtsradikaler / | 1 |
HN460.R3 G46 2016 | German perspectives on right-wing extremism : challenges for comparative analysis / | 1 |
HN460.R3 G4813 2012 | Fire and flames : a history of the German autonomist movement / | 1 |
HN460.R3 J46 2022 | Ein antisemitischer Doppelmord : die vergessene Geschichte des Rechtsterrorismus in der Bundesrepublik / | 1 |
HN460.R3 J86 2022 | The nature and origins of political extremism in Germany and beyond / | 1 |
HN460.R3 K684 2017 |
Right-wing terrorism in the 21st century : the 'National Socialist Underground' and the history of terror from the far-right in Germany / Right-wing terrorism in the 21st century : the "National Socialist Underground" and the history of terror from the Far-Right in Germany / |
2 |
HN460.R3 K75 2006 | Kriegsende 1945: Befreiung oder Niederlage für die Deutschen? : Gedanken über die Hintergründe des Rechtsextremismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / | 1 |
HN460.R3 K78 2020 | The radical's journey : how German neo-Nazis voyaged to the edge and back / | 1 |
HN460.R3 L957 1988 | The grassroots network : radical nonviolence in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1972-1985 / | 1 |
HN460.R3 P38 2021 | The wolves are coming back : the politics of fear in Eastern Germany / | 1 |
HN460.R3 P5713 1999 | The limits of community : a critique of social radicalism / | 1 |
HN460.R3 R42 | Rechtsradikalismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / | 1 |
HN460.R3 R43 | Rechtsradikalismus : Randerscheinung oder Renaissance? / | 1 |