Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN59 .S58 The geography of social well-being in the United States : an introduction to territorial social indicators /
The geography of social well-being in the United States; an introduction to territorial social indicators
HN59 .S5855 Toward a theory of collective violence. 1
HN59 .S587 2017 Social controversy and public address in the 1960s and early 1970s / 1
HN59 .S6 Social economics for the 1970's : programs for social security, health, and manpower / 1
HN59 .S63 Social profile: USA today : from the New York times / 1
HN59 .S668 2003 Democracy's children : the young rebels of the 1960s and the power of ideals / 1
HN59 .S68 Outsiders USA; original essays on 24 outgroups in American society / 1
HN59 .S74 Violence and the struggle for existence. : Work of the Committee on Violence of the Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine / 1
HN59 .S743 1985 Seeds of the seventies : values, work, and commitment in post-Vietnam America / 1
HN59 .S7435 2006 The greater generation : in defense of the baby boom legacy / 1
HN59 .T46 The new left : a documentary history. 1
HN59 .T54 The Third century : America as a post-industrial society / 1
HN59 .T58 Getting saved from the sixties : moral meaning in conversion and cultural change / 1
HN59 T58 Getting saved from the sixties : the transformation of moral meaning in American culture / 1
HN59 .U544 1980i Government and the advancement of social justice health, welfare, education, and civil rights in the eighties : report of the Panel on Government and the Advancement of Social Justice: Health, Welfare, Education, and Civil Rights. 1
HN59 .U558 1969i The politics of protest a report / 1
HN59 .U58 no.7 Firearms & violence in American life : a staff report submitted to the National Commission on the Causes & Prevention of Violence / 2
HN59 .U7 One year later : an assessment of the Nation's response to the crisis described by the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders / 1
HN59 .V5 Social problems and criminal justice / 1
HN59.V5 S5 1969 The politics of protest / Jerome H. Skolnick ; foreword by Price M. Cobbs and William H. Grier.
The politics of protest : a report /